
  1. M

    Updated TOCFL Flashcards

    The TOCFL was updated in 2013, and there are no updated TOCFL flashcards so I decided to make them. It is organised from Level 1 to 5 (入门 to 流利)
  2. LifeSparring

    Blog Post about Pleco's Flashcard Modul

    Hi Pleco Community, I am a long-time Pleco user and fan and thought I share an article about how I use Pleco's Flashcard module. Maybe it is interesting for a few guys who are just getting started. http://www.life-sparring.com/blog/2017/04/03/angry-cards Cheers Fabian
  3. C

    Configuring SRS, limited by score limits

    I'm trying to get Pleco's spaced-repetition to have intervals similar to these: 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 50 minutes... It starts off very short (I'm tested 5 seconds after first seeing the card), but it grows by a factor of 5 each time. I got used to these intervals years...
  4. shaluig

    existing categories in "Card info" when adding a new flashcard

    My iPod was getting old so I finally got my first smartphone, android-based ! I was able to import quite everything in my new Pleco app on Yotaphone, but one thing still isn't as satisfactory as in iOS app, hope I will be clear enough to explain : when you create a new card already existing in...
  5. Edsko de Vries

    Card Selection/Sort by/Category order?

    Hi, I have created some practice sheets for practicing 楷书 and 行书 handwriting, along with some corresponding Pleco flashcard files (http://www.edsko.net/2016/02/15/chinese-resources/, section Handwriting). My idea was that I could then use Pleco to practice in the same order as my practice...
  6. E

    Football Sentences

    Hi there everyone. I was asked by a friend a while ago to join him on some amateur Chinese football TV programme, I'm pretty sure I embarrassed myself (I have a recording, but I can't bring myself to watch it), and I was utterly terrified, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Anyway, to help me...
  7. C

    Pleco coaching for flashcard setup

    I haven't been able to get my head around the settings for flashcard study. Is anyone willing to coach me via Skype please? I'm happy to pay for the help. I've tried to follow the instruction manual but it doesn't quite match what I'm seeing on my Android phone. I'm using an Oppo f1 android...
  8. S

    How to change dictionary entry in flashcards

    Hi, how can I set a different dictionary entry for a particular flashcard to be shown in the test? For example: 积分. Flashcard testing shows PLC, but I would prefer CC, because that actually shows more definitions and, most importantly, the definitions that I encountered this term with. I...
  9. Dodoxo

    Point of view about reviewing flashcards' method

    Hi all! I would like to ask how you review your flashcards, in terms of "what you show in the question and what you show in the wanswer". I don't know if what I'm doing is good for memorization so I would like to talk about methods. The way I'm using to review now is to put the word in my native...
  10. Dodoxo

    Flashcards: Display definition and examples

    Hi! I would like to read some examples(Plecodictionary-based) under the definition of my reviewed flashcards. I know I have to choose Definition + examples in the Definition sections on Display, but even if I do so, when I reveal the card it doesn't show the examples. Maybe due to the flashcards...
  11. Dodoxo

    Importing a set from Cram

    Hi everyone, I would like to know if there's a way to import a flashcard set from Cram. I have one excel file that can't be detected and imported by the Pleco Import program. Shall I change the excel format? How?
  12. R

    test anomalies

    Thank you for Pleco app, I find it very helpful. At the end of a test, this option sometimes occurs: It doesn't seem to quite finish. Then I can either choose New Test or Continue Test. But Continue Test just brings me back to the last flashcard in the previous test. From that page I cannot...
  13. A

    Custom Pinyin

    Although you already allow custom flashcards, I wonder if it would make sense to have an entirely different option for just custom pinyin. The reason is because making a custom card completely un-formats the dictionary entry, so it's much less pleasing and more confusing to look at. Usually...
  14. moelicious

    Reviewing flashcards. Practice traditional, ignore simplified?

    Is there a way to let Pleco ignore simplified characters while reviewing flashcards? Until now I heavily focused on studying simplified characters, in the future I would like to improve my traditional characters writing skills. My plan was to study some HSK vocab lists in flashcard writing mode...
  15. Multiple Choice test giving single choice although 187 flashcards

    I began using the flashcards and tests with no issue. I then added about 150 words, and now about half of my questions have only one answer option. I have messed around with nearly every setting to troubleshoot, but it hasn't changed. To be clear, I have set to the option for 5 choices.
  16. 捞什子

    minor feature request - "excluded" flash status icon

    I've come to rely quite heavily on the "Exclude From All Sessions" button as my my vocabulary grows with increasingly more compound words. What I like to do is exclude old cards with short headwords that now serve as the components of larger compound headwords in newer cards. This prevents extra...
  17. N

    Flashcards: Certain cards do not show up

    Hi, firstly thank you for creating Pleco! It has been a great aid in my Chinese studies. Problem: Certain cards refuse to show up in the test sessions - although all other cards in that flashcard category have been reviewed almost 10 times (see first pic). My flashcard set up: I use 3...
  18. A

    please help me with organizing flashcards

    There are too much options. How can i handle them if english is not mine mother language. a lot of abbreviated words i cannot understand. I already subscribed and i accept that pleco is the best dictionary for learning chinese language. Please administration answers as soon as it possible HSK is...
  19. Edsko de Vries

    Minor feature request for flash cards: "Replace card in category" instead of "Create duplicate"

    Suppose you import a bunch of cards into new categories. If during the import Pleco recognises any of these new cards as a duplicate of an existing card from another category, it will instead add the new category to the existing card -- so far so good. Sometimes Pleco doesn't recognise the fact...
  20. D

    Cantonese flashcard file format

    The documentation for importing flashcards specifies a file format of {headword}{tab}{pinyin}{tab}{definition}. In the user interface for creating a new card there are two additional fields. Headword is split into traditional and simplified. And pronunciation is split into Mandarin and...