Why not just do a full-text search in the main search box (#whatever)? It should preview the selected text in the results list + scroll to it when you go into the definition screen.
Was mainly refering to Manage Dict Groups -> [Group] -> Choose Dictionaries
(I personally create custom groups in order to to seperate the Mandarin/Cantonese dictionaries)
Is it doing that now?
Probably. Although it’s not quite only the dictionary part: I forgot to mention earlier that the Traditional was also messed up when I saved it as a flashcard (to Anki) – i.e. it treated the characters after the slashes as variants and deleted them, resulting in 言者無心听聽有意. Unless of course the flashcard version is directly based on the dictionary display rather than the actual entry in the database.@Abun: It also displays correctly in a pop-up definition from Document Reader. (see screenshot; or rather, when tapping the curved right arrow from it) There must be something wrong with the way the Dictionary part of the app reads in the dictionary data.
Yeah, I’d be using it, too, if I weren’t pretty much shut into HanaMin because I really need those Unicode CJK Extension B+ characters…An aside: This FZNewShuSong font surprisingly looks truly beautiful in Pleco, your screenshots just made me change to it.
Probably. Although it’s not quite only the dictionary part: I forgot to mention earlier that the Traditional was also messed up when I saved it as a flashcard (to Anki) – i.e. it treated the characters after the slashes as variants and deleted them, resulting in 言者無心听聽有意. Unless of course the flashcard version is directly based on the dictionary display rather than the actual entry in the database.
Yeah, I’d be using it, too, if I weren’t pretty much shut into HanaMin because I really need those Unicode CJK Extension B+ characters…