3.2.x Bug Report / Feedback Thread

rizen suha

small, possible bug; in practical dict of chinese medicine. an initial " is (always?) converted to ``. eg in the entry for 氣 ... ``Qi4 contains the blood.''

rizen suha

1) reader "bug": large epub files freeze up the system. opening a moderate file at font (fzkaiti) size 84 results in 24k pages (as it should) (on iphone 6) and freezes up the app (also when leaving the reader) until pages have been "calculated"/prepared/formatted. also page orientation shift results in recalculation. could other caching scheme for calculation of pages be what is needed? this is for v 3.2.19 and preceding. 2) wishing for tone coloring in reader. 3) wishing for better access to (individual) character definitions in reader. thanks


Staff member
@goldyn chyld - no, we wanted this approved for iOS 11 launch (which it was, just barely) and were unbelievably rushed thanks to the fact that we had to get basic iPhone X support working, so we couldn't spare the couple of hours that would take. (have to actually test CEDICT database updates now after the everybody's-flashcards-stopped-linking-correctly fiasco of a few months ago...) But another update should follow pretty soon and that should update CEDICT.

@rizen suha - that should be fixed in 4.0, just not something we can realistically address in a minor update. For character definitions in the reader, why not just tap on the |<- button?

rizen suha

thx, ok to wait for 4.0. current buttons is a terrible "back fwd dance" to access individual characters. we discussed this some time ago.


Staff member
Ah, yes, I do remember that. The most likely remedy coming on that one is a more powerful popup reader bubble on iPad that gives you access to the same tabs / subscreens you get from a separate screen on iPhone (so that you can dig into character meanings via the CHARS tab); probably not in 4.0 but in a later 4.x update.

rizen suha

Ah, yes, I do remember that. The most likely remedy coming on that one is a more powerful popup reader bubble on iPad that gives you access to the same tabs / subscreens you get from a separate screen on iPhone (so that you can dig into character meanings via the CHARS tab); probably not in 4.0 but in a later 4.x update.
that sounds like an excellent solution. looking forward to it. thanks


Hi Mike,

no CEDICT database update this time? :/

Yeah, I'll have to mark down my review for that. -6✰ 's at least. And maybe another -1✰ because it's not v4.

Haha, no way. I just updated my review to say even more nice things.

Seriously though, if you've not left a positive review, please do so. The more sales Mike gets, the more time he can spend getting us new features and dictionaries. If you have a review, you can update or refresh it so people know the review is still current.

If you'd like to say something negative because of a problem you're having, please try to resolve it here first.

Not a sock puppet, just a pleased user who's gotten his money's worth.


Staff member
Thanks! And actually that's gotten much easier because now Apple have finally stopped resetting our review counts on every update - also gives us less of an incentive to wait a long time between updates since we no longer lose all of our reviews when we update.


Staff member
Yep; if anybody has legitimate reason to nag me about our lack of CC-CEDICT updates it’s @goldyn chyld :)

(and I am sorry about that - always a lot of chaos when we have something we need to get ready for an Apple GM)

Also: it turns out they are still resetting review counts, they just show the old version one until they get sufficient reviews with the new version to replace it with the score from that.


Staff member
Hmm... and with our TTS or Apple’s?

To be honest, our expectation was that anybody who bought our Cantonese TTS would have no more need for the recordings; are you still finding that you prefer the recordings? Our new enhanced Cantonese TTS should be coming out next week as a free upgrade - if you still find that you prefer our recordings over that we can go back and make it respect that option (or add an extra one just for Cantonese) but I suspect any lingering issues you have with our Cantonese TTS audio quality will be addressed by that.
Hmm... and with our TTS or Apple’s?

Yours, male/female tts alternating.

To be honest, our expectation was that anybody who bought our Cantonese TTS would have no more need for the recordings; are you still finding that you prefer the recordings?

For headwords I prefer the audio recordings to TTS, even stitched - it gives me a much better feel for pronunciation and rhythm.

Our new enhanced Cantonese TTS should be coming out next week as a free upgrade - if you still find that you prefer our recordings over that we can go back and make it respect that option (or add an extra one just for Cantonese) but I suspect any lingering issues you have with our Cantonese TTS audio quality will be addressed by that.

It is not an issue with quality, per se - “use tts is no recording” turned off works excellent with Mandarin - I get my headwords pronounced with alternating male/female audio recordings and sample sentences read with alternating tts voices. Cantonese was the same until the new tts voices update and somehow the headwords got turned into tts no matter what options where on/off.


I got an ipad 4 mini (IOS 11) a few days ago, and two things that caught my eye were

- I was unable to restore flashcard database backups that were created on my android device and
- even with the split screen, getting word groups from the safari browser into the pleco dictionary seemed cumbersome.

I wanted to use the database backup to quickly transfer flashcards, scorefiles etc. from my phone to the tablet, but when I entered my googledrive account via the restore database dialog, all backups that were created with my current android device (and an earlier device) were greyed out. When I exported an empty flashcard database from the ipad to the google drive account, this one backup file was not greyed out.

On my android device, I am able to mark a text in the browser, then click 'share', tap on the dictionary app, and look up my text. Afterwards, I have to hit return once or twice to return to the browser. This translates to about three taps for getting into the dictionary and back ("share", "pleco app" and "back").
On the ipad, it would have been cool to just hit "share with the app in the other part of the split screen", or at least "share" => "pleco". But it seems there is no real way around copy&pasting, which also needs about three taps. Or is there?

This is nothing that is really important to me personally, it just could have been nice to occasionally use the larger ipad in the same way i use my android phone.