iPhone Feature Requests


Staff member
numble said:
Option to clear the search bar when the user uses the tap-hold add to flashcard command
Automatically add the text that's been inputted to the search bar to the user dictionary entry field after the user presses "add to user dictionary"

Both good ideas - we've had a lot of email lately about clearing the search bar, actually, I think we'd ideally want options to clear it after the tap-hold command, clear it after dropping back from the separate definition screen to the main screen, and drop back *and* clear it after tapping on the + button from the definition screen.

radioman said:
I personally think this concept is really important. I can't argue about the need for discipline, but I personally could use all the help possible in that regard.

So the forced aspect of this is really important? Hmm... how would you want it to handle the timer running out; should it automatically reveal the card, give you a "next" button but mark it incorrect, or should there be some sort of red background / blinking border / other indicator that your time has expired but the card stay un-revealed until you reveal it?

character said:
Speaking of timers, an optional one which would not let you move on from a wrong answer for a few seconds might be helpful for some users. That way they would pay a little more attention to the correct answer instead of hurrying on to the next card.

I suppose if we're getting into forcing people to do things with timers anyway this might make sense; not sure about it, though, we haven't had any other requests for this as far as I can remember and if you run into a lot of words that you already know you might find it irritating and quickly turn it off again.

meng said:
Is there any way to move the up and down arrows (when in 典 view) to the bottom left corner of the UI / phone? I use that feature quite a bit but it's pretty inconveniently placed.

It would certainly be possible to implement that, but putting them at the top right corner is pretty standard iPhone practice (used in the email client etc) so I'm not sure about changing it... do you find that your thumb is often at the bottom of the screen when you tap on an entry to view it, or is the problem that you want to quickly switch to another entry after adding to flashcards / playing audio / etc?


Yea it's standard iPhone placement but I think it's just as unintuitive when using it in the iPhone ui. Difference is Apple doesn't much care what most people have to say about their products, lately resorting to the equivalent of "well don't use it then, Nyah :p". You guys on the other hand are receptive to suggestions and sincerely interested in find the best using experience.

As far as why: I often hold the dictionary in one hand with a pen in the other hand and my thumb doesn't reach all the way to the opposite corner of the screen, meaning I end up having to swap and sshuffle things around just to see the next entry.


Staff member
Well having the buttons on top probably is better in terms of ease of use / discoverability - when they're right next to the "1 of 15" it's more immediately obvious what they do - but I can see how having them on the bottom might be better ergonomics-wise. Anyway we'll see if we can support this as part of our customizable toolbar system at least.


Awesome. I'm just trying to set my pleco on iPhone to be as easy as possible to use with one hand so I can still take notes with the other hand.


Dear Mike,

Some random comments. I love the product and if nothing ever changes I will still love it. These are just my opinions. I use iPhone. I am in flashcards 99.9% of my time in Pleco.

1. I'm left handed. I almost always use Pleco in one hand. When my left hand gets tired I switch to my right hand. I suspect right-handed people are probably similar and sometimes switch the phone to their left hand. Therefore, the most frequently used buttons need to be easily reachable from either hand. For every flashcard, I listen to the audio, and I very frequently listen to the audio multiple times. The audio button up in the far, far right hand corner is a problem for me when I hold the phone in my left hand. I have to readjust the phone and stretch my thumb across the viewing area obscuring the viewing area while I hit the audio button. At a minimum, the audio button should be in the middle. Also, on other screens, the audio button is in at least two different locations. I use the audio button all the time, so having it's location move around uses brain cells that would be better used learning the characters.

2. From the flashcards screen, the little arrow pointing to the left on the top tab is a problem. First, I think if I hit the left arrow, it should actually go back to the previous card, not bring up a menu that allows me to go back to the previous card. I can't think of any situation where I hit the left arrow and don't actually want to go back. Making me hit a left arrow twice to go back seems redundant. Also, once I'm in that menu and using the left and right arrows to back and forward in the flashcard list, having the forward button suddenly change to the skip button is a problem. I've skipped several cards this when when I have never in my life ever wanted to skip a card. Was the skip a card button put in because we don't have a real undo button? That's what I remember. But having the forward button change to skip causes me to accidentally skip some cards. The main reason I go back a card is to look at it more closely. Sometimes I hit the correct button (correctly) but think maybe I'd like to study it a while longer so I go back to have another look. The other reason I go back is because I hit correct when I should have hit incorrect and need to go back and then hid the middle tab to get to the set button so I can set the value to 50 as an incorrect card. Or I hit the incorrect button and should have hit the correct button so I go back and then hit the undo button. Having a real undo that actually puts me back in the state I was in before I hit the wrong button would be a big win for me. But having to first hit the back button, then hit the back button again, then hit the middle tab, then hit the set button, all to change the card to incorrect is a bit of a hassle. At a minimum, I think the set button should be on the back tab along with the undo button. Better would be to have a real undo which would set the score back to where it was previously, and then give me the "check" and "X" boxes again to that I can hit the right button.

3. Also, on the left arrow go back tab, I often hit the button and it lights up but nothing happens so when I immediately and quickly and instinctively hit the back arrow on the new menu, there really isn't a back arrow there because the new menu didn't come up and I've hit the "correct' button on the new flashcard. I don't think it's an issue of the button being too small, because the button lights up. Perhaps I'm hitting the next button so quickly that the first button press doesn't take affect and the next button press cancels out the first? I don't know, but I do have to consciously wait for the next menu to come up before hitting the second back button because the back button tab lighting up is not sufficient for the button to actually activate the next menu.

4. In flashcards, I want the definitions to come from ABC and have force definitions turned on, but I sometimes get definitions from another dictionary instead.

5. I use the add to category toggle in flashcards and it often says add to or delete from null instead of the name of the category.

6. Hitting the audio button is inconsistent. When I had a Palm, when I hit it twice, and I'm set for alternating voices, it would skip one voice. For instance, if the female had a bad pronunciation, I could hit the button twice quickly and it would skip the female and play the male. I could hit it twice again and it would again skip the female and play the male. My point is that it was consistent and I could figure out how to make it work for me. On iPhone if I hit it twice in succession, sometimes it plays both voices, sometimes it skips one and plays one, sometimes it starts one voice and then stops and jumps to the other voice. I would just like a consistent behavior. Also, and this probably has nothing to do with you, when I use a BlueTooth headset, the delays are horrible. Sometimes the audio slips into a mode where it actually works. I press a button and hear the audio. But most of the time, I press the audio button and wait 4-5 seconds to hear the audio. So I don't use my BlueTooth headset even though I would like to. By the way, the BlueTooth headset works fine for the phone, no delays, no problems.

7. I use repetition spacing and love it. Works for me fine, but then I study every day. Some days I have more time than other days. If I know I will have very little time tomorrow, I try to finish today's words and start on tomorrows. To do that I move the date on the iPhone to tomorrow and start on the flashcards. Of course that now screws up my calendar and alarms on other applications. So I would prefer some way of doing the cards due tomorrow without having to adjust my clock. Being able to adjust one or two days forward (or back for those days that I don't finish everything) would be useful to me. I'm not sure it would be useful to anyone else.

8. I'd like to have visible scroll bars. In the popup definition for example, the scroll bars don't show up until I actually start to scroll. I'd like to see them as an indication that there is more information that could be scrolled.

9. I often get confused with homonyms and so like to select the pinyin and find other words with the same pinyin. I could do that on Palm but not yet on iPhone.

10. It would be nice in the character database if the "characters" "containing" were sorted by relevancy so we saw the most common first. Would also be nice to play sound.

11. For my hand, it is a bit hard to hit buttons on the top or on the bottom. A little above the bottom is easier. So I would vote for infrequently used buttons on the bottom and frequently used buttons above those.

12. I use a font size of 22 for a lot of the roman alphabet characters, but a font size of 22 for hanzi is hard for me to read especially at night when I have the display brightness turned down low. The minimum useful hanzi font size for me is 24. But a 24 for roman alphabet is bigger than necessary. Can you set it up for mixed font sizes so I could use 22 for roman and 24 (or 26) for hanzi?

13. When selecting text with the |< and |> buttons, they won't select past a forward slash. So it is difficult so select a word that has an alternate character identified by a preceding forward slash.

That's it for now. I didn't want to say anything until I had a chance to get used to the iPhone after having used the Palm for so many years.



Not sure if this has been suggested yet, if so, I apologize for not keeping up with the forums. I just had an idea that should be easy to implement and potentially useful, especially for iphone users considering the finger driven interface. It would be really handy if you could add a text widget in a flashcard session, similarly to how you can add a sketch pad in a self scored card session. On WM, I find that the sketch pad is handy, but can often be limiting for cards with over 4 characters. I realize that the free answer provides something like this, but I use a dictation style test where I try to come up with the English meaning as well as write it, so I still want to be the final judge as to whether it's correct or not.


7. I use repetition spacing and love it. Works for me fine, but then I study every day. Some days I have more time than other days. If I know I will have very little time tomorrow, I try to finish today's words and start on tomorrows. To do that I move the date on the iPhone to tomorrow and start on the flashcards. Of course that now screws up my calendar and alarms on other applications. So I would prefer some way of doing the cards due tomorrow without having to adjust my clock. Being able to adjust one or two days forward (or back for those days that I don't finish everything) would be useful to me. I'm not sure it would be useful to anyone else.

I sometimes do this as well. I think it would be a useful feature.


Staff member
johnh113 - thanks for the detailed feedback.

On #1, the positioning of the audio button isn't ideal but I'm not quite sure how we could relocate it without having to redesign the entire flashcard user interface. Part of the reason for having it in that out-of-the-way location is so that we can have it stay in the same place in any test mode; sticking it in the middle of the screen might work in a self-graded test, but in fill-in-the-blanks it would often be covered by the drawing box and in multi-choice there wouldn't be enough room for it. Would it help any if we made the Settings / Flashcards / Left-handed interface option also swap the locations of the [X] and audio buttons?

As far as the audio button jumping around on other screens, if you turn on the "Arrows on top" option under Settings / General / Popup Reader, that should get the audio button to stay consistently on the bottom of the screen when you're not in flashcards. We normally put the popup reader arrow toolbar on the bottom of the screen and the commands like audio / > / etc on top because the arrow buttons are a bit more heavily- / repeatedly-used than the others.

#2 is a good point - going back to a previous card is sufficiently nondestructive that we don't really have to worry too much about people hitting it by accident, so we might as well trigger it automatically when you select the back tab. Forward turning into skip is one of those cases where I think the logical thing didn't turn out to be the right thing - it seems natural that you'd have one button to advance cards regardless of where you are in the session, but it would probably be better if we swapped it with the (always-disabled-when-you're-on-the-current-card) undo button so that once you got back to the current card you'd have to move over to start skipping. Though FWIW if you just tap on the lightbulb icon you'll go right back to the current card.

A bunch of people have mentioned wanting to set a new score for the card after "undo"ing - I think we'd want to have a separate popup menu for that rather than giving you the regular score buttons, though, otherwise it would be way too easy to get confused and end up applying a new score to the current card instead of the one you've backtracked to.

Not sure what's happening with #3 - sounds like a bug of some kind. #4 is probably just a case of the ABC not having a definition for that word - the system is fussy about Pinyin in those cases, so it could be that it's not remapping to the ABC because they used slightly different pronunciation / slightly different tones than the dictionary that you're remapping from. #5 sounds like another bug, as does #6 - audio playback being inconsistent is a long-running issue we're still trying to get to the bottom of. Bluetooth headset code doesn't have anything to do with us, though I suppose there might be some alternate audio playback mechanism in iPhone OS that we could use that wouldn't introduce as many delays - not sure which framework that would be, though.

As far as doing repetition-spaced cards early in #7, according to the "theory" behind spaced repetition study that's actually a big no-no; if you review at less than the optimal interval the cards won't necessarily be committed to memory as effectively. I suppose we could add an option to look just a day or two forward, though it would be a bit more work than just setting the clock forward since we'd have to deal with cases like cards that you just reviewed 10 minutes ago but remembered incorrectly and therefore left on a 1-day interval.

#8 visible scroll bars are a big iPhone UI no-no, though I suppose we break enough of Apple's rules anyway that one more isn't likely to get us into trouble - in general, though, I'd rather find some other way to indicate that there's more information visible. If you just adjust the font size in the popup reader by a few points, that might get it to a place where you'd clearly see the top half of the next line of text on the screen, though I recognize that's not a perfect solution.

#9 should be fixed once we add support for regular iPhone-style text selection (still coming, just very tricky).

On #10, does "relevancy" = frequency, i.e. you'd like the most common characters containing a particular component first?

#11 it's very very dicey to have two rows of buttons stacked on the screen - we did some experimenting with this early on in the design of Pleco on iPhone and it really didn't work well at all, it was way too easy to hit one button when you wanted to hit another. The tappable area of toolbars at the bottom of the screen should actually extend a bit beyond the visible top of the toolbar, though - if you tap a bit higher on the screen, do your taps still register?

On #12, it would certainly be possible to mix font sizes but I really hate the look of that on the screen - you end up with lines that are either inconsistently spaced (contains characters -> taller) or lines that are too widely spaced in some places. I guess we could make it an option but it's not something I'd be inclined to turn on by default.

Good point on #13, though to make this work correctly we'd need to remove those post-/ characters in the actual search.

jiacheng - interesting idea, but where would be put this text input widget? Would you want it to be a transparent overlay like the drawing box, or would it be permanently embedded in the screen somewhere?


I was thinking put it approximately in the same place the sketch pad would be. Presumably you wouldn't need both the sketch pad and the text widget.


Yeah, it could be if that is a more efficient use of screen real estate. The WM sketch pad is not transparent, so it could just be a replacement for the sketch box on WM.


I'm not sure if this feature already exists... Sorry if it does. I'm using the flashcards more now - (Its a great feature) - and I find that while testing myself I'll see a word and keep getting the tone wrong. I don't like to keep repeating the same mistake because I fell that after a while I drill the mistake into my head. So I would love a setting to make the Question card use tone colors.

Thank you



New to Pleco. I have it installed on my iPad. I see a number of threads regarding getting Soothill-Hodous into Pleco. From earlier posts from Kenianbei, I see that an XML version of this dictionary is available at http://buddhistinformatics.ddbc.edu.tw/ ... ill-hodous. What is the easiest way to get this imported into Pleco on my iPad?

Kind regards,

kenianbei said:
This has been mentioned before, but I thought I'd bring it up again here. I have two or three creative commons licensed dictionaries in stardict format, and hope I can use them in Pleco. Is there anyway the soon to come user dictionaries could support stardict format?

If not possible, would it be possible to get a Pleco version of the two or three Buddhist dictionaries added to the list of free dictionaries? If you need any help or more info on the dictionaries let me know.

Original post :http://www.plecoforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1922

Soothill-Hodous: "A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms" (E-C)
丁福保:佛學大辭典 - (C-C)


Staff member
simple said:
I'm not sure if this feature already exists... Sorry if it does. I'm using the flashcards more now - (Its a great feature) - and I find that while testing myself I'll see a word and keep getting the tone wrong. I don't like to keep repeating the same mistake because I fell that after a while I drill the mistake into my head. So I would love a setting to make the Question card use tone colors.

So you'd like the tone colors but no Pinyin? Is this in a self-graded or another type of test? I suppose they could be useful for building up those associations, though they'd have to be limited to self-graded tests since it would be too easy to "cheat" in fill-in-the-blanks or especially in multi-choice. Though for fill-in-the-blanks tests, there actually is an option (though one which for pedagogical reasons I'd strongly recommend leaving turned off) to ignore tones when filling in Pinyin - Test Settings / Ignore Pinyin tones. Have you tried the "Tone Practice" test type yet? That's a really great way to force yourself to catch up on tones.

patnoble said:
New to Pleco. I have it installed on my iPad. I see a number of threads regarding getting Soothill-Hodous into Pleco. From earlier posts from Kenianbei, I see that an XML version of this dictionary is available at http://buddhistinformatics.ddbc.edu.tw/ ... ill-hodous. What is the easiest way to get this imported into Pleco on my iPad?

You could do it through the user dictionary import function - it's not very well documented at the moment, but basically you put the file in the same format as a flashcard list, i.e.:


(you can leave the Pinyin blank for dictionaries that don't have it), then go into Settings / Manage Dicts, create a new user dictionary, tap on it in Manage Dicts, scroll down and tap on the Import button to import entries into it from a text file.

An official Pleco conversion of Soothill is on our to-do list, it just has to jockey for space with fifty zillion other things right now... :)


mikelove said:
So you'd like the tone colors but no Pinyin? Is this in a self-graded or another type of test? I suppose they could be useful for building up those associations, though they'd have to be limited to self-graded tests since it would be too easy to "cheat" in fill-in-the-blanks or especially in multi-choice. Though for fill-in-the-blanks tests, there actually is an option (though one which for pedagogical reasons I'd strongly recommend leaving turned off) to ignore tones when filling in Pinyin - Test Settings / Ignore Pinyin tones. Have you tried the "Tone Practice" test type yet? That's a really great way to force yourself to catch up on tones.

Hi Mike

Yes I'm using the self graded test with a 'simple' profile. I use these settings for drilling new vocab I encounter - especially words I know I will be using soon such as those specific to a certain textbook chapter before a class. (Later I review these words with a spaced repetition set-up) Because this is usually the first time I encounter the vocab I will keep making mistakes for sometime and I find that if I repeatedly get the tones wrong I kind of drill the mistakes into my head. I feel that if the 'Show' setting had an option to include tone colors I would drill the words correctly. When I later test myself on vocab with my spaced repition setup I would probably not have tone colors turned on in the 'show' field. I hope that makes sense. I haven't used the 'Tone Practice' test yet but I will give it a try soon.

Thank you



Staff member
Makes sense - speaks to the larger need to do a better job of carefully introducing new vocabulary rather than tossing you right in with it.


A flashcard related request.

You recently (I think) added a feature where the characters being tested on a flashcard, are replaced with "~" in the dictionary definitions for Tuttle flashcards.
This a big improvement, but could you also make is so that the pinyin is replaced as well (ie in the example sentences)?

Also, would it be possible to have a setting which completely omits the pinyin in the example sentences, or at least doesn't display it until you press the "reveal full card" button, when you use the multi-stage reveal option...?



Staff member
ben_gb said:
You recently (I think) added a feature where the characters being tested on a flashcard, are replaced with "~" in the dictionary definitions for Tuttle flashcards.
This a big improvement, but could you also make is so that the pinyin is replaced as well (ie in the example sentences)?

Also, would it be possible to have a setting which completely omits the pinyin in the example sentences, or at least doesn't display it until you press the "reveal full card" button, when you use the multi-stage reveal option...?

It should already be replaced, actually, at least that's how we designed it; is that not working correctly on your system? Have you configured Pleco to use Zhuyin pronunciation instead of Pinyin, or numbers instead of tone marks?

Hiding all Pinyin in example sentences would be a little dicey in Tuttle since we haven't clearly tagged the example sentences in its entries yet - might be possible in PLC and ABC at least, though, and eventually we're going to get around to tagging the Tuttle database too.


mikelove said:
It should already be replaced, actually, at least that's how we designed it; is that not working correctly on your system? Have you configured Pleco to use Zhuyin pronunciation instead of Pinyin, or numbers instead of tone marks?

Ah..that might explain it. I use tone numbers (I find numbers are easier to remember -- and see! -- than the marks).
Could this feature be added for tone numbers too?


Staff member
Sure, it's probably just a bug - Pinyin renders with tone marks in Tuttle example sentences but with numbers in dictionary headwords, correct?