iPhone Feature Requests


Staff member
YoshiCookie - thanks for all of the suggestions!

#1 we actually do have a popup dictionary in the web browser, though it's a bit experimental at the moment (sometimes screws up the formatting of web pages) - go to Settings / Reader and turn on "Enable on web" under "Live Mode," then tap on the "Live" tab above the (opened) address bar in the web browser to enable it on a particular page. As I said, it's experimental / buggy, but we're steadily improving it (fixed a few bugs in it in the soon-to-be-released 2.1.1 for example) and it's generally running better on newer / faster / higher-RAM iDevices.

Which part of the built-in web browser interface are you having problems with? We know we aren't going to get it as nice-looking as Safari, but if there's some part of it that you find particularly unpleasant we're always looking for ways to improve.

#2 no comment yet except to say that the 5 megapixel camera in the iPhone 4 will do wonders for this possibility. (makes a significant difference compared to the camera on the 3GS, and the one on the original 3G would be basically useless for OCRing anything smaller than a street sign)

#3 in general I don't like making our offline software too dependent on online resources - people grow to rely on them and forget that they're not always available - but we're certainly always looking for more dictionaries to license / more open-source ones to convert; C-J I don't think it likely to come cheap licensing-wise, though, given the size of that market in general.

#4 customizable fonts are easily doable on both the iPad and on iPhone OS 4.0 devices, so you may get your wish on that. Actual etymology I'm not sure about - a lot of the information out there is old / highly debatable, and there are too many 形声字 for which story-based memorization doesn't work, so as a learning tool I tend to think you're better off with something like Heisig or Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters.

On #5, Simplified / Traditional switching in Char Info is a bit dicey since the software doesn't always know what the correct traditional character is (e.g. if you're accessing that screen from the document reader) - good point on linking between Unihan fields, though, we ought to be able to make those tappable for cross-referencing.
mikelove said:
YoshiCookie - thanks for all of the suggestions!
Actual etymology I'm not sure about - a lot of the information out there is old / highly debatable, and there are too many 形声字 for which story-based memorization doesn't work, so as a learning tool I tend to think you're better off with something like Heisig or Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters.

I know a lot of it is old, but there are new resources continually being researched. I actually wasn't referring to "story-based" memorization (like how my teacher taught that children like plums, so they(子) sit underneath the (plum)tree(木) --> 李).

I just meant the more "scientific" etymology, such as I gave an example. Most characters are 形声字, so then the explanation would be, for example 妈:女 relates to meaning (signific component), 马 is the phonetic component.

I'm working on a website (I don't usually toot my own horn). Maybe I'll work on a few more resources and maybe... just maybe when I get more material uploaded you could link my page when it is more mature. (I noticed you now, in addition to Pleco's text catalog, have a U of M site linked for literary resources... I'm a U of M Grad and working on my own poetry website at the moment).


Staff member
Well with "scientific" etymology I'm worried the use might be too limited - most of the people who've written asking for an etymology dictionary have done so because they think it would help them learn characters. The main issue is just finding a dictionary to license, though; the few Chinese-English etymology resources out there seem to all be owned by people with aspirations of creating their own iPhone apps, or people who for whatever other reason just aren't interested in doing business with us.

We'd certainly like to have more links to English-speaker-friendly Chinese etext websites, so when you feel like your page is a bit more fleshed-out we'll be happy to consider linking to it.


Has this been suggested? Or perhaps something similar exists in the Flashcards area that I seldom interact with?

Here is my feature request:
Allowing the user to enter in their own custom definitions, with Pleco defaulting to that when the user enters an entry that doesn't exist in any of the on-board dictionaries.

You might even request that they send it on to Pleco should Pleco ever get towards making it's own dictionary. Crowdsourcing from tons of mobile iOS users might be the best way to obtain the latest words, slang, etc. for a dictionary.


This would be a suggestion for all iOS devices. Two finger swipe up/down to change dictionaries, two finger swipe left/right to highlight previous/next word in reader. Or some variation. Optional, of course, but I think I'd rather swipe then reach over to the edge of a screen (especially on iPad) to hit buttons.


Staff member
numble - user dictionaries are already supported, though we really need to add some sort of tutorial for them - see http://www.pleco.com/ipmanual/dict.html#userdict for info on them. They should be featured much more prominently in 2.2 once we finish fixing a few rough spots (lack of full-text search, e.g.) and give them a nicer user interface. Adding a prompt on a failed search to create a new user dictionary entry would also be a good idea.

As far as the swipe gestures, those are a little difficult to implement without potentially interfering with other gestures like scrolling, but we do need some sort of better solution for common toolbar controls on iPad - perhaps a system where you tap on the screen, a couple of buttons instantly appear right around where you tapped and you can access commands via those buttons.


Thanks for pointing me in that direction re: user dictionaries.

Here is another idea for a feature--notifications when there are updated add-ons. I just noticed that I've been running a version of CC-CEDICT that's 6 months old, for example.


Staff member
That's been on the to-do list for a while - hopefully in 2.2. (and check back in a day or two for another CC-CEDICT update, along with updates to several other dictionaries)


This is in relation to the fantastic pasteboard function in Plecodict. As a learner I find I'll often have to use pasteboard to covert Chinese SMS messages / facebook and 人人网 comments into pinyin. It's a pain in the a$$.

In Firefox I find the perapera-kun pinyin mouseover addon to be a lifesaver. I was wondering whether the pasteboard functionality could be extended outside of the Plecodict application, and become more like perapera-kun... Just tap characters in SMS messages for a pinyin popup, for example. With multitasking claimed to be a feature in OS4, perhaps this idea becomes more viable?

Possibly a big task programming wise, but with this powerful feature in addition to the rest on offer, there'd be no reason for any Chinese learner to NOT use Plecodict!

Keep up the good work, you guys are doing an amazing job, and thanks.


Staff member
Not possible, unfortunately - we can keep Pleco loaded in the background so that you can reopen it quickly, and we've already made the insert-pasteboard-on-startup feature work with resuming from the background too in 2.1.1 (so you'd go into an app, copy the text, then quickly reopen Pleco and automatically have it looked up), but it's not technically possible to have an app pull other text from / pop up a user interface on top of another app on iPhone. Perhaps in iOS 5.0...


I believe this was brought up before the concept of legitimate multitasking was solidified. But now that multitasking is introduced, I think that there needs to be some way to read new information loaded into the pasteboard without having to reload Pleco.

I would like to think there is some way to reload the paste board into the reader automatically through some sort of interrupt mechanism. But even if there was just a reload button in the reader or the dictionary, maybe through a gesture, that might work.


Staff member
The pasteboard reader actually does automatically reload in 2.1.1 when you resume Pleco from the background - we can't do much beyond that, but now that we have an official instead of a jailbreak-only mechanism for running in / resuming from the background we were at least able to implement an update-on-resume.


So if I am reading, using the reader, and then put the program in background and then load new info into the pasteboard, when I a resume Pleco, the new pasteboard will have been entered into Pleco and handled similarly to starting Pleco from scratch?

And if so if there are not enough characters in the pasteboard, the pasteboard would be loaded into the dictionary instead of the reader?


Cheers everybody!
When using flashcards I'd like to have a multi-choice option which, from definition in English, queries to match one among multiple choices in pinyin.
This would be quite useful to test if you can remember (and avoid confusing) the right Chinese terms when speaking.
I have been looking for a configuration which achieves this but no way - maybe it's just me who don't know the features deeply enough :(


I see some Apps have integrated some web dictionaries, as well as Google Translator (which is different from Google Dictionary). Any thoughts on adding support for those?


Staff member
radioman - yes, if you've enabled the search-clipboard-on-startup option, in OS4 every time you resume Pleco it checks the pasteboard for changes and does a new search / opens up the reader accordingly. (but please let me know how well this works for you - it was a very late addition and probably needs some refinement in 2.1.2)

edolls - already there; just choose "Multiple-choice" as the "Test type" and set "Prompt for" to "Pronunciation" and "Show" to "Definition." (or "Head + Defn" - I'd recommend that since you could sometimes end up with multiple Pinyin choices that might theoretically match the definition given)

RobRedbeard - thanks, but that looks like it's taken from Yellowbridge and I can't imagine they'd be very happy about our cribbing it :)

And here's hoping they'll get you that iPhone soon... we had to spend several frantic hours getting an order in for one on launch day (which we eventually did - already "prepared for shipment"): there's an exciting new license in the works which is very hardware-dependent, so we really need an iPhone 4 for testing / integration.

numble - I'm not so big on web dictionary integration, to be honest - those things never seem to be very well done, you either end up with an awkward embedded web page UI or a data-scrubbing algorithm that'll break as soon as they redesign their website. And a lot of those dictionaries' content is already integrated into Pleco anyway - we license most of the same dictionaries as nciku (really, do a search for "ni hao" there and in PLC and compare) and of course we offer CC-CEDICT as a free add-on.

As far as Google Translate, my feelings on Google should be well known here by now (though we don't have a choice about using them on the web browser portal page at the moment because Baidu's GB encoding doesn't play nicely with Live Mode), and I tend to think of that as a bit of a crutch anyway - at least if you're paging through a sentence word-by-word with the Pleco reader you have to deal with the grammar and word order.


Okay, my thought about web dictionaries just came from browsing the App Store recently, never tested those apps with web dictionaries.

Here are some random comments:

I realize this probably goes better in the Future Products forum, but I'm putting this here.
That one Chinese "Feed Me!" app is a big hit with Chinese children and parents, at least to the ones I showed it to. There seems to be a dearth of such software on the Chinese side, though I think there are tons of English pre-school/kindergarten apps.

This is my latest study method--any way that Pleco can streamline it with new features would be really great:
1) In the Reeder app, I browse some Chinese news RSS feeds, usually BBC Chinese. Since the RSS feeds only give the headline and a byline, I tell Reeder to send stories I am interested in to Instapaper.
2) Instapaper does some kind of magic and downloads the full text of the article to my iPad/iPhone (instead of just the headline/byline). I copy the entire text.
3) I open Pleco which jumps to the Pleco Reader, read the article and add any new words encountered.
4) I export the list of new words and manually add them to my Anki list, which has over 4000 words and almost 2 years worth of study data.

I know step 4 can be eliminated by using Pleco flashcards, but I am stubborn with sticking to Anki. I'm more interested in 1 & 2, especially how Instapaper extracts the fulltext from an RSS stub.
mikelove said:
RobRedbeard - thanks, but that looks like it's taken from Yellowbridge and I can't imagine they'd be very happy about our cribbing it :)

There are no descriptions of meaning there. There are simply the standard ways of verbally speaking. Factually, Yellowbridge doesn't own any of what were looking for on that page. They simply included a reference of public-knowledge. If you want, I can get you other identical references. Yellowbridge doesn't own "提手旁" or "竹字头" or any of what you're looking at there. Nobody owns it.

I'll see if I can find it unencumbered. It's possibly in Baidu Zhidao. Lol.
