I've been using Reader a lot lately, and there's one possible additional feature that would be useful. Haven't seen it mentioned yet but can't claim to have read all the posts, so sorry if this is a repetition.
Often there are phrases one or more of whose component parts may or may not be in any of the dictionaries (or the dictionary entry is offbase, incorrect, or out of date), but whose complete phrasal meaning or connotation isn't quite clear. I'd like to be able to copy-paste these phrases into a file or flashcard for future reference ( checking with a native speaker about their connotations, etc.), so that when I'm done reading the document I have batched them all into one place.
Bookmarks are pretty crude for this purpose because they only get me to the page, not to the phrase itself. And there's no way to select characters in Reader outside of dictionary lookup (is there?)
Of course I can also just write them down (what I'm doing now), but if there was a way to send any selected text to a file or (not quite as good) to a flashcard category, that would save time.
I'm thinking a button (appearing optionally based on a setting) which would take text selected by the "extension arrows" and simply copy it to a file of my choosing.