curwenx - this could definitely be CJKOS-related. As far as our own recognizer, though, we're actually not planning to support cursive at all; it's very very difficult to get cursive recognition working correctly, and there are already a lot of other products out there that do it well. Our focus is more on supporting people for whom off-the-shelf Chinese handwriting recognizers might not work so well; people with less-than-perfect stroke order, for example. Some of our designs are really quite different from anything else out there, both in capabilities and interface. For your purposes, I'm afraid you're going to be stuck with PenPower for a while, but we'll do our best to improve support for it (in fact it looks like there's a way we can get newer versions of PenPower working even with Input Field Compatibility disabled).
Henry - we haven't gotten any other reports of this scroll-snapping bug, but hopefully if we try it out on enough Palm OS models we'll find some other one that's afflicted by it. We're aware of those problems in the Oxford data files (the "window" one is actually data-file-related too); we put more effort into cleaning up the NWP/ABC ones for this release, because people who purchased those don't have the option of going back to the older-version software and because we're working on some other big improvements in those files (like the addition of the new 3rd Edition entries), but they should be in much better shape soon. I'm glad to hear that PenPower improvement worked, in general the software should be a lot better about sticking to the Input Field now.
haraldalbrecht - thanks for the clarification, I definitely do see this with bai3guo3. It did seem odd, the newer version shouldn't even be able ot read the older data files (but should simply ignore them). And you can already create flashcards based on user-created dictionaries (just add them to the flashcard list like you would with built-in ones), but it'll certainly be possible to do it with converted ones as well at whatever point we release the converter. We're probably not going to be able to get user dictionaries sorted like the built-in ones (for various reasons, this would be unacceptably slow), but we will at least display them in index order (like we did with the other dictionaries prior to this release) instead of the order in which you added them. Custom dictionaries, however, will be sorted however you want them to be.
mai - yeah, this is a missing icon problem, it actually takes a surprisingly large amount of code to get that little icon to display (Palm OS only expects the currently-running program to put icons in the command bar).
dom - there are actually two expanded versions out there (that we know of), one at whose creator is graciously permitting us to use it (as long as we don't charge for it), and another one from UPenn at (see the wordlists in the "resources" section). I believe the adsotrans one is actually an expanded version of the UPenn one. We'll probably also offer the original CEDICT for people who wish to conserve storage space.
gandq - this is a pretty common place for bugs to appear, actually; we wrote our very own version of the Palm OS text field system (with support for rich text and Unicode) and for performance reasons we store the formatting data for the start of each line in the same data structure that we store word-wrapping calculations in. So it looks like for some reason the bold text formatting isn't carrying over to the next line. Anyway, this should be pretty easy to reproduce and fix.