Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

ckatt said:
mikelove said:
ckatt said:
I've been testing it a few ways and the main icon always takes me back to the dictionary input screen, sometimes with the keyboard open and the search fields empty with the browse entries search tips ect. in the list, and sometimes showing my last search. if i don't use the back button to exit and just the home button and task switcher to jump around between other apps and flashcards, ocr ect. then launching pleco and trying to use the back button to exit will take me back through all the screens i had been using.

Well if you've been gone for a while then the app would be unloaded and the main icon would naturally take you back there - it only relaunches if you reopen Pleco shortly after closing it. (this is an Android OS thing but it's based on the assumption that at that point you've forgotten whatever you were doing before and just want to go back to the main screen) Does doing that work correctly at least?
This seems to be working correct yes.
mikelove said:
ckatt said:
so lets say, after jumping around through various apps, i launch the flash cards from the green icon on my home screen, then hit the back button a few times. it will take back to the main dict screen, then i hit back again and it goes into the reader where i had been before, then to the ocr, then back to flash cards, then back to my home screen.

Is this definitely the shortcut and not the separate Flashcard Launcher app? Perhaps our task flags are configured incorrectly.

so I've done a bit more testing with the icons and have found the that problem goes away when i remove the other launchers from my home screen. but when i add back in the dict and flash launcher the main icon will return me to the dict entry screen and not the place that i last was when i tapped home. also i found that, if after using the pleco dict shortcut icon to launch, i use the home button to exit, then tap the flashcard icon, it will take me to the dict entry screen rather than the flash cards.
I hope this information is useful


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

burdenofhope said:
I haven't read through the whole thread, so I don't know if it has been mentioned already. When I activate the option to browse through the dictionaries after a card has been revealed, I get some (mostly Korean) characters instead of the book icon (which has been there in previous versions). At first I thought it was because of the tablet I was using (Ainol Novo Fire), but I've got the same problem on my phone:

Reproduced successfully, thanks. (I think it was mentioned once before too but we didn't know it was taking the place of the book icon)

ckatt said:
so I've done a bit more testing with the icons and have found the that problem goes away when i remove the other launchers from my home screen. but when i add back in the dict and flash launcher the main icon will return me to the dict entry screen and not the place that i last was when i tapped home. also i found that, if after using the pleco dict shortcut icon to launch, i use the home button to exit, then tap the flashcard icon, it will take me to the dict entry screen rather than the flash cards.

Ah, well that helps clarify things a bit... thanks.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
HW60 said:
In the main Screen I can erase the last stroke with the left arrow. Can I create a left arrow in Self-graded by some settings, or do I always have to erase the whole character by tapping with two fingers?
Currently you do, we're trying to keep that sketch box extremely lightweight because we had many complaints in previous versions about it being too slow to render (especially on tablets) so I'm reluctant to add back an undo option for it unless there's a lot of demand.
The flashcards screens for self graded and for fill-in-the-blanks actually do not look completely different - there is a very big reveal entire card button at the button (and no left arrow in the top right) for self graded, and the input fields on top (and a left arrow below in the top right) for fill-in-the-blanks. If lightweight means the available space for input there does not seem to much difference. For users who use both test types depending on category it is somewhat strange to be able to erase a single stroke depending on the test type.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

In fill-in-the-blanks there is a tiny bug when after a first flashcard series the wrong cards are repeated. Only with the first card of the repetition series the screen looks different. There are no input fields to fill in, and therefore you do not know how many characters the missing flashcard has.


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Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
The flashcards screens for self graded and for fill-in-the-blanks actually do not look completely different - there is a very big reveal entire card button at the button (and no left arrow in the top right) for self graded, and the input fields on top (and a left arrow below in the top right) for fill-in-the-blanks. If lightweight means the available space for input there does not seem to much difference. For users who use both test types depending on category it is somewhat strange to be able to erase a single stroke depending on the test type.

It's actually smoothness / responsiveness rather than UI - we had a number of complaints about both that and about the fact that it was not possible to operate a self-graded test with the drawing box continuously visible as it is on iOS, so using a separate, independent drawing system for tests without handwriting input gave us a way around both of those problems.

HW60 said:
In fill-in-the-blanks there is a tiny bug when after a first flashcard series the wrong cards are repeated. Only with the first card of the repetition series the screen looks different. There are no input fields to fill in, and therefore you do not know how many characters the missing flashcard has.

Yeah, that doesn't look right at all... thanks!


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
In fill-in-the-blanks there is a tiny bug when after a first flashcard series the wrong cards are repeated. Only with the first card of the repetition series the screen looks different. There are no input fields to fill in, and therefore you do not know how many characters the missing flashcard has.

I'm not seeing this here - could you maybe email/PM me a copy of your flashcard database (along with the name of your active profile) so that we can try duplicating your settings?


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

In Flashcards Self-graded, only one card to look up, after reveal entire card, then Back and skip card, Pleco goes back to the Flashcard START screen without Session Statistics. Maybe intentionally because of division by zero.


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
In Flashcards Self-graded, only one card to look up, after reveal entire card, then Back and skip card, Pleco goes back to the Flashcard START screen without Session Statistics. Maybe intentionally because of division by zero.

Yeah, I think that one is by design but we'll double-check that it's exiting gracefully and not crashing.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
HW60 said:
In fill-in-the-blanks there is a tiny bug when after a first flashcard series the wrong cards are repeated. Only with the first card of the repetition series the screen looks different. There are no input fields to fill in, and therefore you do not know how many characters the missing flashcard has.

I'm not seeing this here - could you maybe email/PM me a copy of your flashcard database (along with the name of your active profile) so that we can try duplicating your settings?


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

Is there any sort order in flashcards / words, or can the sort order ("Both") be changed by settings (e.g. alphabeticl pronunciation)?

Do you have a beta manual, especially for settings?

In settings, I often do not remember from which setting I came back when I go up and down the menu tree. I think it might be a good idea to start every screen with the heading of the selection made, e.g. Settings / General/ (Reset All -> General / Reset All ...) / Startup Actions / (Open input -> Startup Actions / Open input ...). In many situations this is already realised or not necessary, but in the example I am really lost and do not remember where I was when I want to do the same changes again.

In full text search, is it possible to search for all dictionary entries beginning with the entered word or containing the entered word? BTW, full text search in user dictionaries is a great improvement!


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
Is there any sort order in flashcards / words, or can the sort order ("Both") be changed by settings (e.g. alphabeticl pronunciation)?

No sort order in Organize, sort order in Search is whatever you configure it to be.

HW60 said:
Do you have a beta manual, especially for settings?

No, there haven't actually been that many changes there - is there a particular setting you're having trouble with?

HW60 said:
In settings, I often do not remember from which setting I came back when I go up and down the menu tree. I think it might be a good idea to start every screen with the heading of the selection made, e.g. Settings / General/ (Reset All -> General / Reset All ...) / Startup Actions / (Open input -> Startup Actions / Open input ...). In many situations this is already realised or not necessary, but in the example I am really lost and do not remember where I was when I want to do the same changes again.

Good idea, yes.

HW60 said:
In full text search, is it possible to search for all dictionary entries beginning with the entered word or containing the entered word? BTW, full text search in user dictionaries is a great improvement!

Not at the moment, no - AFAIK you're the first person to ask for that feature. (I'm glad we were finally able to add full-text search in user dictionaries something like 3-4 years after you started asking for that :)


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
HW60 said:
In full text search, is it possible to search for all dictionary entries beginning with the entered word or containing the entered word? BTW, full text search in user dictionaries is a great improvement!
Not at the moment, no - AFAIK you're the first person to ask for that feature. (I'm glad we were finally able to add full-text search in user dictionaries something like 3-4 years after you started asking for that :)
I already mentioned that it is a great improvement!! There are some new settings, so I thought there could be one to change the kind of search, and only that was my question. In Google Play there is a free japanese dictionary JED with a full text search, and entering "deal" gives all "deal" and "dealing" and "dealer" and probably also "ideal" - the list was too long. In German, "vereinen" and "vereinigen" are very similar words, and I had tried "verein" to get them both. But you are right: after 4 years of longing I can of course search 2 times.


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
In Google Play there is a free japanese dictionary JED with a full text search, and entering "deal" gives all "deal" and "dealing" and "dealer" and probably also "ideal" - the list was too long. In German, "vereinen" and "vereinigen" are very similar words, and I had tried "verein" to get them both. But you are right: after 4 years of longing I can of course search 2 times.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood your request - thought you were asking for it to find cases where the word you entered was the first word in a dictionary entry, rather than part of a word. Anyway, partial matching of the type you're describing turns up way too many results, unfortunately, particularly since we already have to do some careful sorting / prioritization in order to make the first few of them useful / likely to match your search term.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

So when i add a new flash card from the reader and long tap to choose a new category it pops up the screen that says the card already exists. if i just hit cancel it still creates the card though. this happens weather the card existed in another category already or even if it is entirely new.
also the option to add a new category is absent from the reader and the OCR when i add a new card with child categories visible, though it dose show up in the main dictionary since the fix in the last beta.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
HW60 said:
Is there any sort order in flashcards / words, or can the sort order ("Both") be changed by settings (e.g. alphabeticl pronunciation)?
No sort order in Organize, sort order in Search is whatever you configure it to be.
I thought of the word list of dictionary entries, when during a flashcard session I tap on a single character, tap on the right arrow > and tap on Words. It seems that the sort order of the resulting list depends on the dictionary used: the lists of all dictionaries are sorted, only the user dictionary is not. I will try to sort my input file for the user dictionary next time - maybe that solves the problem.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
HW60 said:
Do you have a beta manual, especially for settings?
No, there haven't actually been that many changes there - is there a particular setting you're having trouble with?
Within Settings I feel lost, because I never know where I am and where I want to go. Probably the headings of the complete menu tree would help already; in a text file I could then try to find words like font or size or others. Maybe different background colors for different topics would help too.
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

HW60 said:
Probably the headings of the complete menu tree would help already;

Mike: Does the existing user manual have an outline of just the menu tree? That would be a useful resource.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

I just used the endless setting in the flash cards for the first time and it doesn't seem as endless as advertised. it just goes through all the cards in selected categories then exits, its the same as checking all but the total number of cards is not shown on the info bar at the top.
it would be great if we had more option for sort order when card selection is set to fixed. what i really want is to review the cards in the order then are listed in the flash card categories. Since i can't do this i'm wondering what relevance the order in the category has. i can reorder the cards in the organize cards screen but i cant fin a way to review the cards in the customized order. Am i missing something?


Staff member
Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

ckatt said:
So when i add a new flash card from the reader and long tap to choose a new category it pops up the screen that says the card already exists. if i just hit cancel it still creates the card though. this happens weather the card existed in another category already or even if it is entirely new.

Hmm, yeah, seeing that here too - it's adding it to the new category and the putting up a prompt telling you the card already exists.

ckatt said:
also the option to add a new category is absent from the reader and the OCR when i add a new card with child categories visible, though it dose show up in the main dictionary since the fix in the last beta.

That one may not be as easy to fix, but we'll take a look, thanks.

HW60 said:
I thought of the word list of dictionary entries, when during a flashcard session I tap on a single character, tap on the right arrow > and tap on Words. It seems that the sort order of the resulting list depends on the dictionary used: the lists of all dictionaries are sorted, only the user dictionary is not. I will try to sort my input file for the user dictionary next time - maybe that solves the problem.

HW60 said:
I thought of the word list of dictionary entries, when during a flashcard session I tap on a single character, tap on the right arrow > and tap on Words. It seems that the sort order of the resulting list depends on the dictionary used: the lists of all dictionaries are sorted, only the user dictionary is not. I will try to sort my input file for the user dictionary next time - maybe that solves the problem.

That probably would, yes, though it should be showing them in sorted order regardless so I'm not sure why it isn't.

stephanhodges said:
Mike: Does the existing user manual have an outline of just the menu tree? That would be a useful resource.

No, though it does explain all of the settings screen-by-screen.

ckatt said:
I just used the endless setting in the flash cards for the first time and it doesn't seem as endless as advertised. it just goes through all the cards in selected categories then exits, its the same as checking all but the total number of cards is not shown on the info bar at the top.

What card selection system are you using? Endless really only works with "Random" and "Frequency-adjusted."

ckatt said:
it would be great if we had more option for sort order when card selection is set to fixed. what i really want is to review the cards in the order then are listed in the flash card categories. Since i can't do this i'm wondering what relevance the order in the category has. i can reorder the cards in the organize cards screen but i cant fin a way to review the cards in the customized order. Am i missing something?

The order in Organize is currently just designed for keeping your card lists tidy - letting people review cards in category order is somewhat technically challenging and to be honest we haven't had enough demand to justify doing it over other, more heavily requested flashcard improvements.


Re: Pleco for Android 2.4.0 Beta 3c Bug Report / Feedback Th

mikelove said:
ckatt said:
I just used the endless setting in the flash cards for the first time and it doesn't seem as endless as advertised. it just goes through all the cards in selected categories then exits, its the same as checking all but the total number of cards is not shown on the info bar at the top.

What card selection system are you using? Endless really only works with "Random" and "Frequency-adjusted."

ckatt said:
it would be great if we had more option for sort order when card selection is set to fixed. what i really want is to review the cards in the order then are listed in the flash card categories. Since i can't do this i'm wondering what relevance the order in the category has. i can reorder the cards in the organize cards screen but i cant fin a way to review the cards in the customized order. Am i missing something?

The order in Organize is currently just designed for keeping your card lists tidy - letting people review cards in category order is somewhat technically challenging and to be honest we haven't had enough demand to justify doing it over other, more heavily requested flashcard improvements.

I had been using the "fixed" setting. my goal was to review a list of characters in a certain order over and over without having to restart the test each time i came to the end. hence my desire for the fixed card order to show them by list order.
What I was attempting to do what built an effective automated way to practice tone drills as described on the Sinosplice blog I have been building custom cards for all of the different pairings described and wanted to drill my self on them with the review only option. I guess i could make a txt file for use in the reader, maybe that's a better option any way...