numble said:
I think the benefit is kind of like Instapaper--if I want a document to be loaded into Goodreader from browsing the web on my computer, I just save it to my Dropbox folder on my desktop, which automatically syncs with the online account. I can then get it on my iPad later without plugging in a cable. And I can also get it on my iPhone later, or on another computer.
Fair point, but wouldn't you be more likely to want to sync those documents with a general-purpose app like Goodreader and then transfer them individually to Pleco? Seems like it might be annoying to have two copies of your Dropbox document archive on the same device, though I suppose you could sync one document horde with one app and one with another...
numble said:
I think the Anki desktop client offers Dropbox integration (not sure), and the developer is working on adding that feature to the iPhone version. I don't know how huge flashcard files are on Pleco, but my ~17,000 card Anki file is roughly 18 mb, so having to hold all your users flashcards on your own servers might be a drain. I don't know if their web client works with Dropbox.
I think a 17k card file in Pleco would be more in the 5-10 MB range, but anyway with Amazon charging $0.14/GB/month for storage it's not going to be a big problem to hold a lot of users' files - most of them will probably be more in the sub-5-MB range, and of course if they're compressed they get considerably smaller, but even assuming every user's eating up 10 MB we're looking at a cost of less than 2 cents per user per year; data transfer charges could add a bit more to that ($0.10/GB in, $0.15/GB out), but even at 10 cents per user per year we could offer online backup / sync service to flashcard module buyers for free for 20 years and still be spending less on that than we do on royalties for pretty much anything we pay royalties on.
numble said:
Just thinking about this, how about a setting that enables Pleco to automatically load a clipboard URL into the Pleco web browser on opening the app? (Maybe this already exists). To get some pages into Pleco, I currently send the URL to my iPhone via Pastefire, which sends the URL to the iPhone Pastefire app, launches Safari and loads the URL upon opening Pastefire on the iPhone, and then I copy/paste the text of the article and load Pleco, which puts everything in the Pleco Reader.
Doesn't exist, but I suppose it could - so we'd auto-detect an HTTP / HTTPS and bring up the browser on that?