Haha it is nice to have someone recognize my hard work
but so far I have never felt satisfied of where I was standing, so I am still pushing hard every day.
I think that the difference between "cards learned" and "total repetitions" is because I repeat flashcards more than once everyday. First I do the "first pass" where I do all the SRS. Then I repeat the 15-20% that I failed until I know them all. Then at the end of the day, I do one more time the ones that I failed + the new ones that I learned during the day.
Just FYI - when I reached 6500 flashcards (words), I started to watch movies (audio / subtitles all in chinese). I had to pause a lot and search for characters, but it was already possible. Say a 2 hours movie, I would watch in 4 hours.
At 7000, I started to watch TV series, same style, pausing a lot, but eventually I would understand it all
At 9500, I started to read books. First book was terribly difficult, it took me 3 months
10700, Second book, much easier, took 1 month to read
12000, 7th book, took 15 days to read
I also feel there is no end in the learning, but there are a lot of checkpoints. Every time I pass a checkpoint I feel really happy of the new things I am able to do. But I still see the overall picture, and i know that there is a lot left.
Plans for this year is to read 1 book per month, learn all the new vocabulary. By 2018 I hope I will be able to read books almost as if they were in English.