I'm still getting the odd reset: After a few days without a soft reset, I do my normal daily flashcards, everything goes smoothly, up until I hit the end of the 'Review incorrect cards' bit (it saves the data from the actual session, thankfully), and at that point, once I've marked the last card correct, it pauses for a second or two (distinctly longer than normal), then crashes. EDIT: Should mention, in case it matters, all cards were marked correct, there were a total of 4, the session had about 360 total, and I went through about 110.
I'm using repetition-spacing, manual card scoring (250/150), 'Review incorrect at end', '(Loop)', score-based subject selection.
This is *without* pTunes running, and a fairly minimal set of CJKOS stuff running (cManager lists a total of 149 files, at 3822K). Other stuff is just ChatterEmail at the moment.
I've also had some issues with saving sessions, though I don't use it very much. I'll play around at some point, see if I can get a better idea of what's going wrong.
I'll also get around to putting up links to the Classical Function Words I've got, probably Saturday (after my tests), and to an updated NPCR list (I've now got all of book 4 done!)