3.2.x Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Shouldn't have anything to do with database size, no - SQLite is very lean in its RAM usage (only brings a little piece of the database into memory at a time) and in any event nothing in Settings / Flashcards ought to cause any extra database data to be reloaded since it's actually just adjusting in-app settings relating to flashcards.

Interesting, good to know.

It could be something iCloud related, since even if you're not using iCloud sync the app checks to see whether you have a dormant iCloud database when you enter that screen - does Pleco have permission to use iCloud storage? (if so, does it get rid of the crashes if you turn that permission off?)

I turned that permission setting off, and no crashes so far. I will have to give it some time and will get back to you in case I still get the error.

rizen suha

thx, two more:
1) in reader (on ipad, havent tried iphone) new bookmarks are no longer saved after app close.
2) when app opens, reader resumes / points to last read page "before update", ignoring where you actually left off the last time app was open.


Staff member
1) in reader (on ipad, havent tried iphone) new bookmarks are no longer saved after app close.
2) when app opens, reader resumes / points to last read page "before update", ignoring where you actually left off the last time app was open.

Hmm... what type of document? And are you on iOS 14 or 15?


Staff member
@lostinasia - went back and I think we were able to reproduce your issues on an iPad now; had to do with a weird view initialization glitch in the new iOS SDK. Anyway should hopefully be fixed in a day or so whenever Apple approves our next update.

rizen suha

fyi, new hanzi neural hand writing recognition:
~100 hanzi tried => 1 infrequent hanzi failed = 隺 (modern use almost exclusively as component). in non-neural hwr 隺 hanzi is recognized. thats all i know.


Staff member
fyi, new hanzi neural hand writing recognition:
~100 hanzi tried => 1 infrequent hanzi failed = 隺 (modern use almost exclusively as component). in non-neural hwr 隺 hanzi is recognized. thats all i know.

The data set is smaller, yes - my tentative thinking is that we might eventually pull in results from our old handwriting recognizer as well and merge them (at least for people who own that or buy it).
I think I've mentioned this before but it is still triggering in the latest update: I have created a dictionary group for Outlier (T+S) - but every time there is a dictionary update the group gets deleted.


I don't know how to word this: when the flashcard test enters into the "only repeat" section, the history back button can't go back to before that section.


Staff member
Yes, issue with how the system was originally designed (back when "using up too much RAM for the recent card history queue" was still a concern).


Words containing View card info

When I am looking up an unfamiliar character, I often find it helpful to zap through the "words containing" and look up what categories those flashcards belong to. (Did I see this before? In what book? In the wild? In HSK?)

However, that requires a lot of button presses, which would be helped a lot by a "view card info" option for those list items, with prev/next functionality like in the normal dictionary definition view.


Staff member
Couldn't this be helped somewhat by adding tags to your categories? (that way, you could get this information from the regular definition screen)


I did use tags a while ago, but that presented other problems:
  • at most 4 tags were visible at a time.
  • the tags were lost after I exported as XML for editing.
  • took up a lot of space from the headword (maybe tags could have a row of their own?)
Perhaps I just have too many categories :oops:
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Hello Mike,

I noticed that I do not get any separation between words that begin with and words that contain in the Dictionary's WORDS tab for words longer than one character. I only get Words Containing. Dictionary entries for single-character words function normally, they show both sections.

Could this be a small bug? I'm running Pleco 3.2.65. I attach screenshots of my settings and the WORDS tab.

Thanks, Shun

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Staff member
That's intentional - there are generally so few results that we didn't think it was worth separating them (just means you're looking at two redundant copies of a word instead of one).


As I moved from Android to iOS I noticed that the reader popup has a setting to reverse the order of the bottom bar arrow buttons, but not for the top bar buttons (open/search/flashcard/read aloud/copy) which are in the mirrored order. This gets confusing since those top bar buttons are muscle memory at this point.


Staff member
Yeah, it's a little-used option and we're getting rid of it anyway in 4.0 - if people still want something other than the default top bar order (which is at any rate changing a bit in 4.0) they can go into Expert Mode and rearrange it however they like.