3.0.0 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Kaiti font, ahh, so beautiful!

The speaker next to the Jyutping in the definition and the speakers next to the example sentences all speak Cantonese. Sounds great too. Thanks.
The speaker at the bottom of the reader and the speaker at the top of the flashcards both still speak Mandarin. Am I missing something?
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golden chyld - 1) Do you have more dictionaries now? Might just be that searches are slower, though we ought to increase the delay before that spinner comes up.

Yes, definitely more dictionaries now - my Pleco now takes up 1GB of space!

By the way, is it possible to have the "search" results display characters/character compounds in alphabetical order and from the 1st tone and down to the 4th tone?


On my iPad, iOS 6:
- When entering the registration ID, the soft-keyboard's return button does not confirm the box but merely removes focus from the text field
- Color picker's RGB labels are semi-covered by modal dialog's navigation bar, and it took me forever to see the 'lever' that I had to use :)
- "Black status bar" toggle doesn't seem to do anything on iOS6, could be hidden...


My first instinct was to tap the search field and then random letters, just to see what the results would look like. I only saw for a split second that there's apparently a "Welcome" screen...and now it's gone forever(?).

I'm not a new user but I'm pretty sure the same thing would have happened if I were one ;)

Steve See

The new version is wonderful. I do have a question about the flashcard setup. When using flashcard, selecting an answer prompts for a second response. However, there is no answers to select, just blank on the lower half of the flashcard. Is this a setup issue on my part?
Thanks for the great app! It's invaluable.

EDIT: I think I found the solution
Settings/General/Languages&Text/Pronunciation - Selecting "Skip" will cause the blank second screen.


  • flashcard screenshot.PNG
    flashcard screenshot.PNG
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Had some time to try the Reader and it is excellent. Being able to change the font is huge, plus Dropbox and the faster editing.

Just one nitpick - the scroll next previous page is now horizontal. Is there a way to change it to scroll vertically? If not, any plans to add it? I like scrolling to an exact position, especially when I have side by side English/Chinese text, so I can see both in one screenful.


Congratulations on the fantastic update!

As somebody who is thinking of buying a new font, I think I would be good if you included a preview. I can't image many people would buy a font blindly and I searched the internet beforehand to find a preview. I wouldn't have to be a demo, just an image on the purchase page.


Not very convenient but you can google for those font. I'd say some of those extra fonts are pretty calligraphic (pun; no sarcasm), though if you are not familiar with the fundamentals those characters, it can be hard to read.

Also, under Clipboard Reader, it does not work for English words; perhaps I have no E-C dictionary present? In this case, trying to highlight any English words by long pressing it will highlight only one letter, and the popup definition returns the old result of Chinese words. It'd be useful to have both-way feature, since C-E works flawlessly.

Thanks for your reply - I found the 'don't append UNI info' option in the definition screen settings, turned it on, but the UNI definitions still show up. I tried resetting my IPAD but they still remain. I imagine I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what.
Congratulations on the fantastic update!

As somebody who is thinking of buying a new font, I think I would be good if you included a preview. I can't image many people would buy a font blindly and I searched the internet beforehand to find a preview. I wouldn't have to be a demo, just an image on the purchase page.

I was wondering this as well. Would the below correspond to kai, song and xing fonts?





As somebody who is thinking of buying a new font, I think I would be good if you included a preview..
Mike, maybe you can add a few screenshots in the add-on page for each of the add-ons and dictionaries? It can be like the screenshots in the App Store. Should be able to get more people to take the plunge.


Congratulations on the fantastic update!

As somebody who is thinking of buying a new font, I think I would be good if you included a preview. I can't image many people would buy a font blindly and I searched the internet beforehand to find a preview. I wouldn't have to be a demo, just an image on the purchase page.

This is the setup screen...



Staff member
Hoo, this is a lot of feedback - thanks all.

Alexis - good note, yeah - we can afford to make those a bit longer.

ACardiganAndAFrown - seems to be an OS 6 bug, thanks - we'll try to fix it for 3.0.1. For "Browse," a better 'welcome' screen is also forthcoming but you can get to the browse screen for a particular entry in search results by tap-holding on it and tapping 'Browse.'

afritzse - lots of requests to hide those example icons, should be coming in 3.0.1. Cursor might relate to the tint color becoming white to match the toolbars - we'll investigate.

aristide - thank you!

dapangjiaozi - yep, it's iOS 7 only unless you buy our paid TTS add-on (which works on OS 6 too and provides enough of a quality improvement that we feel it's worth charging for).

TimBenderSLS - yes, GF is using the new edition now. GHY fixed some Pinyin bugs and added embedded images for rare characters.

denmitch - was this the option for "Popup definition" or something else?

jlnr - yeah, that one's embarrassing. "Continue" wouldn't work because the saved session format changed slightly - sorry, we should probably remove the item when we detect it's not compatible.

mongrel - just an oversight, didn't provide a convenient way to change the language for those. But we will.

golden chyld - we've had a few other requests to bring back that option in lieu of frequency sorting, haven't decided whether to do so yet but the more requests we get the more likely it becomes.

jlnr - thanks; actually the color picker is the only one that's been reported before (embarrassing mistake, that). The welcome screen is just a single little message to keep the first thing you see from being blank, nothing more - better welcome screen is coming soon.

golden chyld - might be a way we can make it alpha-blend more intelligently, thanks.

Steve See - thanks; was happy to see that second response as you had me momentarily panicking there about a major undiscovered bug :)

dapangjiaozi - yes, turn off the Paginate option in the document's settings screen. Only place it's not supported is EPUBs since those are actually buggier when they're not paginated (oddly enough).

SpikeX - we actually added code to display screenshots in Add-ons but had to rewrite the catalog listings at the absolute last minute and couldn't use it; we'll be adding those in very soon, though.

keldy - English reading is not a priority at the moment since we tend to think there are better / cheaper options out there for people learning English, though it's something we might consider in the future as an offshoot of an unrelated effort to add non-Chinese-to-non-Chinese translations - French to English in Grand Ricci, English to other languages that we don't have dedicated dictionaries for, etc.

dapangjiaozi - yes on the first two, the Xing font is this one.

gato - yep, working on that and on better type / sample entries / etc.


Hoo, this is a lot of feedback - thanks all.

denmitch - was this the option for "Popup definition" or something else?
Yes, I can adjust the font size on definitions in search but no setting seems to impact the font size for definition popup in the reader.


Possible bug. Scrolling through word list on a random character, when the phrase lengthened significantly stuff got cut off. It recovered and spaced according to this new length after I selected any option on the Dicts Char Words Sent button row.
I love the cleaner interface.

A few things I noticed so far:

Shouldn't search results be ordered by frequency/commonness? For example I search for 家 and the most common usage is the third result.
photo 1.PNG

Second I noticed the text to speech (system/un-upgraded) got tripped up by an example that had a pinyin clarification in it (the "亲(qìng)家")
photo 2.PNG



Staff member
denmitch - so if you set the "Popup definition" font size to, say, 48, the definition popup text doesn't suddenly get a lot bigger? What sort of document are you testing this in? Good note on that bug, might be Kai-related.

牛大牛 - thanks! We haven't yet found a good reference for character pronunciation frequency - the Hanyupinlu data in Unihan is maddeningly incomplete - so for now we only sort by character frequency. Didn't know that GF embedded Pinyin in examples but since it does we should probably find a way to skip it, yeah.
We haven't yet found a good reference for character pronunciation frequency
Can't you do something like a simple frequency analysis on the various example sentences (w/ pinyin) in the dictionaries to order the pronunciations (this would move the "gū" result after the "jiā" results)? It seems like it should be easy to at least avoid showing a super rare reading as the first result. This could be misleading if I'm searching for a character I actually don't know how to pronounce and I see a rare reading as the first result.

As for the out of order "jia" results (the 小孩子家的家 showing up before 家庭的家), aren't the dictionary entries already ordered by commonness? When I click on the "家" character, the dictionary popup for ABC and GF both list 家庭的家 as the first definition, so I'm wondering why it isn't listed above 小孩子家的家 in the search results.


Staff member
The problem with both that and with Hanyu Pinlu is that too many common pronunciations are missing - we can end up burying more common characters below rarer ones because they don't happen to be well covered by our data. But for searches for a single character rather than a single syllable it might make more sense to use incomplete data than to ignore it altogether.

Which other results are you talking about? That part of your original post seems to be missing.