2.5.0 Beta 1 Bug Report / Feedback Thread

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I kinda miss a function, which I like so much on android. But I don't have an android device right now, so I will try to explain from memory.

On android you can select a multi character word and reach the screens where you get stroke/chars/words for the SELECTED CHARACTER, but the entire multi character word is still on the top, this way you can quickly tap another character to get all this info for that character. This is a wonderful feature, you can learn all info about all the characters one after another.


Staff member
Card Info - thanks.

Character breakdowns - we replaced that with the "Chars" tab, which will instantly give you definitions for each character in a multi-character word and will let you scroll through them without leaving the definition screen (using the ^ / V buttons) so that you can quickly review the same information character-by-character.


Desc: wrong pronunciation issue with popup open.
I have no extended audio (female) installed, but TTS yes (and extended male). Pronunciation is alternating male and female.
1. Search for 熟人.
2. Select the characters so the popup opens.
3. Choose a dictionary which contains two readings of this word, for example ABC.
4. When shóurén reading is displayed tap on pronounce icon.
Current: male pronounces correctly shóurén, female pronounces shúrén.
Expected: pronounce according to what is displayed in pinyin.

Update: i just realized this is the same without the popup. Simply by tapping the audio icon in the result box.


Card Info - thanks.

Character breakdowns - we replaced that with the "Chars" tab, which will instantly give you definitions for each character in a multi-character word and will let you scroll through them without leaving the definition screen (using the ^ / V buttons) so that you can quickly review the same information character-by-character.
Aaah, thx a lot, missed this one! :)


English example sentences have audio icon next to them (when enabled in settings) in the DICT tab, but not in the SENTS tab (on iPad). Is this so by design? Or just forgotten?


Hmm... is this the downloadable Pleco TTS or the built-in iOS one?
Aaah, I just realized its the Pleco TTS. It doesnt pronounce the selected pronounciation of the word, but always the same one, regardless which pronounciation of the word you are looking at.

I deleted pleco tts (hui) now and tried the example sentence 半路上遇到￾熟人, also iOS tts pronounces it wrong as shúrén.

Is it not possible to let the TTS system pronounce the words/sentences based on pinyin?


Staff member
English examples: forgotten, fixed for beta 2.

TTS: thanks - can't do much if the problem is with the iOS one but we should be able to fix ours at least.


Adding data fields to display from unicode dictionary.
I was a bit surprised that nothing happens when I tap "Add New", then i noticed the green plus icon. I would still prefer if the entire line was tapable.
When you DO tap on the plus icon a list opens on the right which has a misplaced Cancel button on the bottom, see screenshot.


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Staff member
The tab is probably forgotten because Pleco is being terminated in the background and reopening and we don't currently preserve it in that case - if you haven't deleted the custom font add-ons yet (the paid one plus the free extended character set one), in beta 1 those waste a ton of memory and are very likely to get Pleco terminated, so delete them and it should behave better.

The + button behavior is actually a standard iOS thing - works that way in their own Address Book app.


The tab is probably forgotten because Pleco is being terminated in the background and reopening and we don't currently preserve it in that case - if you haven't deleted the custom font add-ons yet (the paid one plus the free extended character set one), in beta 1 those waste a ton of memory and are very likely to get Pleco terminated, so delete them and it should behave better.

The + button behavior is actually a standard iOS thing - works that way in their own Address Book app.
I just tried the + button in the Address Book app:
the entire line is tapable, not just the icon itself. When I tap the icon and release a new line is added. When I tap the text or the empty space, then it turns gray, when I release a new line is added.


Tap the name of a dictionary in the result box and choose "view in browser" then rotate the device.
Current: it exits the browse mode.


Flashcard text entry in landscape mode broken on ipad, see screenshot.


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I opened an epub in Safari, and did a "Send to" Pleco. Pleco opened, but sat at the search screen. I went to the reader, and found the epub in the file browser. I would like to suggest immediately opening any txt/epub/pdf sent to Pleco.

Note: The 2nd epub i tried did open immediately in Pleco.
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Type 'presence' in the search field. Merged entries appear normally. Press the dictionary button twice (to switch to full-text and back). Entries are no longer merged.


After opening an epub in the reader, I cannot swipe to change the page (from the first page). After I use the navigation circle/bar at the bottom at least once, then I can swipe to change the page.
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