[Unofficial] Feature Request / Suggestion List


Staff member

"Repeat incorrect" actually should already be matching the most recent test type for a card - is it not doing that now?

Otherwise, most of this would be achievable in 4.0 with some "Expert Mode" tweaks; you could create a category for "don't test listening" cards and then set your listening test type to exclude cards in that category. (and likewise for multi-choice) Or as an alternative you could create a 'hint' field to display in listening tests to help disambiguate homonyms. We also support running tests on multiple profiles simultaneously - 'meta profiles' - which would be a way to keep independent track on how you were doing with different sides of different cards. (this is how our new Anki emulation mode works, each 'side' has its own private hidden test profile)

The default behavior in 4.0 - our new built in "Learning" test type - has a set of fixed (customizable) intervals for a card to initially become 'learned' but then after that simply cycles through all of your 'review' cards without any particular attempt at optimizing intervals; we don't believe that for language learning, long term memory actually decays in the sort of exponential fashion that would make SRS worthwhile. (and it has some negative side effects, most importantly people's review queues getting too backlogged) So the distinctions between test types become less important with that, since all that an incorrect answer is doing is causing you to go back and repeat the card on that same type a few times before it once again returns to the review pool.

But if a lot of people start making similar requests to yours we can always consider making a more 'managed' take on Alternating a more official / easy-to-access option, all of this stuff is basically just a question of which particular JSON configuration files we ship built into the app :)


Perhaps this has been suggested already, but allowing the option to prefer traditional or simplified for dictionaries that offer both, but not to convert those who don't. For example, prefer traditional, but do not convert the Guifan, since they offer no traditional version.


Staff member
Perhaps this has been suggested already, but allowing the option to prefer traditional or simplified for dictionaries that offer both, but not to convert those who don't. For example, prefer traditional, but do not convert the Guifan, since they offer no traditional version.

Would have to see a lot more demand for it, honestly - 90% of the email we get about traditional/simplified conversion is from people who strongly prefer traditional and are annoyed that they're still seeing simplified in such-and-such, we get far fewer complaints about imperfect traditional conversions.


I have a suggestion - unless that's already possible - that is having the possibility to set a flash card score during which you are shown the characters AND you are being asked to hand write the characters. As far as I can see, right now if i try and set prompt character I cannot select show character, and vice versa.
I find it too hard to memorize the hand writing without having a chance to write the characters while looking at the given characters first.
does this function exist? If not, will Pleco 4 allow this?



Staff member
Well in theory you can do this anytime with the 'sketchbox' feature, but yes, in 4.0 you could build an arbitrary test type with whatever collection of stages in whatever order you want.


Hello Mike,

when adding new flashcards in Pleco 4, are you planning to support an easy way to switch back and forth between different preset flashcard categories? (such as multiple configurable "+" buttons) This would allow a learner to distinguish between more basic and more advanced words—or words of a different priority—right when adding a card. The basic ones could be used for quick repetition sessions, and the more advanced ones would be handled separately.




Staff member
You can set up multiple + buttons with different default categories, yes. Could also create a button with a custom popup menu with multiple + options in it if you preferred a less cluttered UI.


Staff member
We haven't had any luck licensing stuff from Commercial Press, sadly. (at least not the PRC part, we do license a few dictionaries from CPHK but they're totally unrelated as far as licensing goes - neither is in a position to license out the other one's titles)


Hi, when Cantonese pronunciation is enabled in Pleco, the audio only plays Cantonese (even though Zhuyin is still there, I use a ruby-styled one).
To get back Mandarin audio, you have to disable Cantonese.
Can we somehow get the best from both of these worlds, i.e. both written and audio pronunciation for both Mandarin and Cantonese.
(I know that if I tap on hanzi, I can hear Mandarin audio in popup, even if Cantonese is enabled and is the only one in the dictionary view itself, so what I mean is, to have 2 textual transcriptions and 2 audio icons to play recorded pronunciations exactly in the dictionary view of Pleco, without having to invoke the popup)


Staff member
Hmm… does this go away if you switch to Pinyin pronunciation? (Just trying to narrow down the cause) And how are things configured in your Audio settings? Which voices are installed?


Hmm… does this go away if you switch to Pinyin pronunciation? (Just trying to narrow down the cause) And how are things configured in your Audio settings? Which voices are installed?
Yes, if I disable Cantonese, then the Pinyin pronunciation works fine, and vice versa. But not both at the same time.
And I have both Mandarin and Cantonese audio support installed inside Pleco.
I thought that's exactly the way it's supposed to be in version 3 (only one type of voice possible), so put it here as a possible enhancement (having both of them simultaneously) for ver. 4...


Staff member
Sorry, I meant pinyin instead of zhuyin - does switching to that while keeping Cantonese allow you to listen to both?


Is it possible in the current version of Pleco to change the Reader/OCR pop-up dictionary priority order? Been looking through the settings, but can't find it. I know you can exclude dictionaries from the pop-up results, but that's not what I want. Regardless of what I do (apart from disabling it), the ABC dictionary keeps being the first priority in my pop-up dictionary.


Staff member
It should follow the regular dictionary order in Manage Dictionaries - is it not doing that now?


It's a bug then (?). ABC/TCE kept appearing as the first two results regardless of where they appeared in the chain of order. I've set both dictionaries to "Search only on fallback" (as well as disabling both of them in the OCR) and the problem has resolved itself.


Staff member
That's odd - maybe it was switching to ABC because ABC was the only dictionary that had an entry for some words?