Just out of curiosity I decided to do a search of what would be the ultimate JP-CN dictionary for Pleco. I came across this gem: Morohashi Tetsuji‘s Dai Kan Wa Jiten (大漢和辭典).
Seems to be the ultimate Borgian labyrinth in Chinese learning and has been fully digitized in 2018. The catch(es) is (are) that it’s windows only, requires input by radical or code and costs nothing less than 140,000 yen. That’s more than a 1000€ or $1200. It comes in a USB stick and has amazing features like zoom in and out for PDFs... I was like, bro, only the Japanese can get away with amazing content in a format straight from the 1990s…
Seems to be the ultimate Borgian labyrinth in Chinese learning and has been fully digitized in 2018. The catch(es) is (are) that it’s windows only, requires input by radical or code and costs nothing less than 140,000 yen. That’s more than a 1000€ or $1200. It comes in a USB stick and has amazing features like zoom in and out for PDFs... I was like, bro, only the Japanese can get away with amazing content in a format straight from the 1990s…
大漢和辞典デジタル版 | 大修館書店 創業100周年記念企画