[Unofficial] Feature Request / Suggestion List


You can do that already - Display / Force character set.
Okay, I see. I did use the "Force Character set" option, but had it set to simplified as opposed to "simplified-only". Assumed there were only two options and thus didn't go down the character set's list. I suggest changing the option named "Simplified" to "Simplified First". Thank you.

Scroll down: does it help if you adjust the font size so that the last line is halfway off the screen?

Some already show up as halfway off the screen. I'm currently using the OCC dictionary as my main Flashcard dictionary and it uses a ton of subheaders and page break lines which makes it so that the lines aren't aligned uniformly. Changing the font doesn't help in this regard. It only happens every 20-30 cards or so and is only a very minor/specific pet peeve to how I've been reviewing my flashcards.


Request: on definition screen, display whether the associated flashcard has been reviewed or not.

Suggested implementation: draw a tick symbol near also where flashcard tags are shown.

Why? I have about 500 not-yet-reviewed cards. When revisiting a dictionary entry, I sometimes wonder if I have reviewed the word before (and therefore should have known it). Currently I have to check this by manually tapping [+] button -> flashcard info -> statistics.


Staff member

I don't know if this is a universal enough request to support it by default, but it's certainly something you could configure in 4.0 in Expert Mode; our general plan for this sort of thing is to help people figure out how to do things like this in Expert Mode and then add easier-to-access options for them if they prove popular.


Hi LeonardoM,

sure! I suggest that you import the flashcards from this post:

This is possible because Pleco's flashcards system is so flexible already now, and will become even more so with version 4.0. The only thing you cannot do is use a Fill-in-the-blanks test, because that is of course limited to at most four characters, but you usually don't get sentences perfectly right, anyway, so it does not matter that much. You can use Self-graded and write the sentences on paper/your tablet instead. You can also try these flashcards:

I like to study using sentences because it not only trains your vocab, but also your knowledge of word usage, sentence structure, and finer grammar points. When you discover any new pattern while studying, I suggest that you write down separately what you found out, so you're more likely to do it right when you encounter a similar sentence later on, consolidating what you've learned.

Hope this helps, enjoy,


Hello again Shun,
I downloaded the files from the link you posted, but when I open these text files inside the zip, Pleco only loads them all together in the reading section, so i can't use them as flashcard test and alike, but just read the file as is.
I'm not familiar with Python or any coding really, so I was wondering if you could guide me into installing those sentences (cinese to Italian) onto my phone.


Hello LeonardoM,

certainly. I created a new Chinese-Italian sentence flashcard list from the newest Tatoeba.org data. I converted it to Simplified characters using Wenlin and used Python to combine identical Chinese sentences with different Italian translations. Conveniently, Tatoeba.org now allow you to download individual language pairs only, which saves us a lot of work. For whoever is interested and would like to replicate the process using a language other than Italian, I attach the code:

with open('Sentence pairs in Mandarin Chinese-Italian - 2021-10-21.tsv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as instream:
    with open('cmn-ital folded.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as outstream:
        sentences_dict = {}
        for l in instream:
            splitline = l.strip().split('\t')
            if splitline[1] not in sentences_dict:   # if Chinese sentence isn't in the sentences dictionary
                sentences_dict[splitline[1]] = splitline[3]   # add it to the dictionary with the Italian translation
            else:   # if Chinese sentence is already in the sentences dictionary
                sentences_dict[splitline[1]] += ' / ' + splitline[3]    # append the Italian translation
                                                                        # to the other translations

        for sentence in sentences_dict:
            outstream.write(sentence + '\t\t' + sentences_dict[sentence] + '\n')

To import the text file into your Flashcards database, you can follow the steps below:
  1. Copy the text file attached to this post into Pleco
  2. In Pleco, open Flashcards > Import / Export > Import Cards > Import
  3. Choose the file "Tatoeba Chinese-Italian Sentences folded.txt" and use the following settings:

Pleco will fill in the pinyin line which isn't present in the import file with the help of the dictionaries you have installed, and you will find the about 3,000 flashcards in the "Tatoeba Chinese-Italian Sentences" category.




  • Tatoeba Chinese-Italian Sentences folded.txt
    224.8 KB · Views: 351


Thanks a lot for the like, @sobriaebritas. @LeonardoM, did it work out all right for you?

In general, with sentences as flashcards, I recommend that you set the "Repeat if incorrect" intervals to at least 45 minutes. Otherwise, you will remember details from how sentences are worded that aren't useful. With an interval of >45 minutes, you will recall exactly what you need to word the sentences better in the future.


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It worked out. But I'll try what you suggested because as is, the same three sentences out of 3000 come out over and over. Perhaps by changing the settings you mentioned this issue will get fixed.


That's great! Oh yes, it helps me, at least if I use Random card selection. (as opposed to Repetition-spaced) Otherwise, feel free to ask back.


Thanks a lot for the like, @sobriaebritas. @LeonardoM, did it work out all right for you?

In general, with sentences as flashcards, I recommend that you set the "Repeat if incorrect" intervals to at least 45 minutes. Otherwise, you will remember details from how sentences are worded that aren't useful. With an interval of >45 minutes, you will recall exactly what you need to word the sentences better in the future.


Not sure how to change that setting though. I looked inside the flashcard and can't find the "repeat if incorrect" option.

rizen suha

request: enable flashcard pronunciation entry to take place in a single field independant of number of hanzi in a word or sentence on said flashcard. currently a n-hanzi flashcard presents n entry fields that must be "tapped" through. that modification would save one tap (-1) for each hanzi. it would also eliminate another even greater annoyance (when using the zhuyin autocompletion keybord): that the written pronunciation will autocomplete into the most likely hanzi (when what you want to enter is precisely ... the pronunciation), wherefore you must explicitly choose the "pronunciation literal" in the predictor-top-keyboard-strip as what you goddamn want (haha writing this gotic post im already doubly annoyed). so, in sum, for a n hanzi flashcard, the hereby-requested-hope-to-be-modified-prononciation-input-mode would save 2n-1 taps. big deal, yes my boys if you are running through a gazillion' them guys.


Staff member
Already implemented - it's just one field now, and can actually be configured to match stuff more or less arbitrarily; here's a look at the current Expert Mode interface for configuring a fill-in-the-blanks test stage. (transforms are text processors - regex replaces, case changes, transcoding between romanization systems, etc - and breakers are word break iterators for dividing up a string of syllables or whatever if you do want to match them up token-by-token)

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro - 2021-10-23 at 15.40.46.pngSimulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro - 2021-10-23 at 15.40.58.png


Thanks. Working fine so far!
It's just a shame Pleco does not support so many characters for flashcard to be used "normally", but still i find it useful to learn stuff!

Good to hear, you're welcome. Definitely! I always write my answers on a tablet with pencil or a piece of paper first.


Exactly! That way, I force myself to think the sentence through and also write it before I check. I only choose "Wrong Answer" if I made a mistake and learned something useful I wish to repeat. Often, if I didn't learn anything, I tap "Right Answer" even if I didn't get the sentence right. This applies when the Italian/English translation was incorrect or there aren't any memorizable structures or word usages in the Chinese sentence, among other reasons. In the end, one's sentence forming ability should be greatly improved, so I think this method is definitely worth it.

If you wish, we can move this thread to a new post "Studying with Whole Sentences" under Chinese Language.
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Exactly! That way, I force myself to think the sentence through and also write it before I check. I only choose "Wrong Answer" if I made a mistake and learned something useful I wish to repeat. Often, if I didn't learn anything, I tap "Right Answer" even if I didn't get the sentence right. This applies when the Italian/English translation was incorrect or there aren't any memorizable structures or word usages in the Chinese sentence, among other reasons. In the end, one's sentence forming ability should be greatly improved, so I think this method is definitely worth it.

If you wish, we can move this thread to a new post "Studying with Whole Sentences" under Chinese Language.

yeah i think moving this thread onto a new one would be useful to many.
Also, are you using self-grading option for these flashcards?