Pleco on iPhone and iPad



I've been using Pleco on an iPhone since the Palm but I've only recently been using it on the iPad (using it for reading books and loving that) and I've realized that I've been adding characters and words to categories and user dictionaries more on my iPad than on my iPhone. I know all about the sync issues so what I'm looking for is the best hack. Right now I have the same categories on each device but I'm dreading trying to merge those. Is a reasonable hack to keep separate categories on each device say "TV-show-iPhone" on the iPhone and "TV-Show-iPad" on the iPad and then every once in a while merge the two catagories? Or is there another hack? Say renaming the categories?

What about user dictionaries?



I would like to go back to the original question about how long one should stay on a flashcard system, and share some thoughts:

  1. I like to compare Flashcard learning to Aerobic training in sports.
    • You do Aerobic training for as long as you want to stay at a certain capacity level.
    • You do more to increase your level.
    • The day you start doing less, you return to a lower level.
    • The day you stop, you slowly use your Aerobic fitness.
  2. In terms of psychology
    • In rowing, a famous Danish coach was quoted as saying: Make rowing part of your life.
    • In terms of boredom of the exercise, TrainerRoad for cycling states: It is as much a mental as a physcial endurance training.
    • In terms of goals, are you steady state or need to reach new levels, or has your center of interest in life changed?
    • In terms of motivation, you are on a life cycle, ....
  3. Comparing Flashcard learning to many other ways of using and absorbing a language
    • What is your driver? Entertainment? Partner or friends? Fascinated with....
    • What do you measure when you use other tools besides an SRS? Do you track and trace?
    • How you use an SRS is maybe an interesting point. On my cards, I have
      • a word or expression
      • a sentence demonstrating typical use of the sentence, mostly the sentence where I found the expression
      • hidden explanations to explain usage of simlar expressions (normally after I while, when I start wondering....)
      • I train on one super deck for "text" and one super deck for "characters"
        • text sub-decks are structured by source of the vocabulary
        • character sub-decks I have four
          • Heisig 1, Heisig 2
          • Cantonese Lexical list (3171 - 4762), unless covered by Heisig
          • characters that do not belong to the above three categories
      • I use native and machine generated sound, depending how easy the native speaker is to understand
        • If you have ever listened to the Chinese Pear Stories, you will know what I a mean
      • For my Notes (I am an Anki user), I have
        • cards asking for tones only,
        • cards asksing for Jyutping only (I am Cantonese learner),
        • cards showing a Cantonese text and asking me to speak it aloud
        • cards asking to write the characters of the text I just heard; I only write on paper, using a pencil
        • words can be words or expressions or entire, even long sentences
        • when the word or situation conjures up an image in my mind, I ask chatGPT to "illustrate" and then put it on my cards
        • I use Heisig and Albrecht for character mnenonics, and have continued the system to cover any characters they do not use - so when I come across a new word for my Anki super-deck "text" and the character is known to me but does not stick in this context, I add a reference to my "character" Anki Deck, and in the character Anki Deck, I add the vocabulary
        • Sometimes I wander off from word, to character to diverse dictionary entries....
  4. My personal motivation: Train the brain, because the day you stop training is the day you regress. Cantonese is somewhat incidental.