Pleco for Android 3.2 Beta 1


The second proposal for the same cards which had a wrong answer in the first round: when the whole flashcard session is done, I sometimes like to repeat the wrong cards of that session. Of course I could make another (non SRS) profile and select all cards with a score of 100, but it would be very convenient if Pleco would use the same profile and an option "repeat incorrect cards of last session", without changing the score during this repetition.
I do not know if the new 3.2.2 version of Pleco should do the job described here, but it seems to do something slightly different:
I just did a test, gave 5 wrong answers, and when I now start the same session again, I can "review those not due-yet cards without extending their due dates". If I select this option, I can review about 160 cards which all seem to be due in about 6 hours, i.e. tomorrow. Among these cards there are also the cards of the just finished last session, but I do not want to review all cards that are due on the next day, only the wrong cards of the last session (score = 100 in my settings).

Pleco selects the same cards with the 2 options
"- continue reviewing cards that aren't due yet" and
"- review those not due-yet cards without extending their due dates",
the difference only being changing/not changing scores and dates. But then I can reduce the probable amount of wrong answers tomorrow by reviewing today without changing scores.


Staff member
No, we didn't really change anything about that behavior in 3.2 - all we changed was 'repeat incorrect' by adding the option for it to occur during a test. "Review not-yet-due cards" is for people who've run out of SRS-recommended cards to study today and want to study some more.


In Flashcards, I have a custom card with - among others - 2 chinese characters in the definition field. When I am asked for the characters of the flashcard (show definition, prompt for characters), the chinese characters are made invisible. There is no need to hide them.


Staff member
Ah, that's the problem - we blank out all of the individual characters in the headword too, at least if you've turned on 'filter head in definitions.' We do this because we think it's better than the alternative of getting tipped off by component characters / parts of words in definitions.


In flashcards, Fill-in-the-blanks, some time ago I entered several 5 or more character phrases and only now found out, that they were never tested. Is there any comfortable way to let Pleco detect such a situation during testing, and what is the best way to test those cards (about 0.5% of my cards) regularly?


Staff member
We could put up an alert, I suppose. As far as regular testing, I'd set up another profile just for those cards - you can use a 'length filter' in card filters to limit the test to just them.


I think the most comfortable solution would be to switch to Self-graded only for those cards during a test.


Staff member
We don't support alternating test types yet, but once we do then that would indeed make sense.