Hi Mike,
To expand on the below:
web74 wrote:
I did see a good comment on the font size of the search results being much larger than the treo version. I agree with that completely. Although you say it is customizable, it is not customizable to a degree that puts it on a par with the treo version.
Could you expand on this? What sort of customization would you like that you don't currently have? It can certainly be made as small as it was on the Treo, and can be made to put everything on one line.
I just went back to do a side-by-side comparison of a few word with my treo pro and ipod touch next to each other.
The problem is that, in Portrait mode, the only way to get the 3 or 4 character words visible with the beginning of their pinyin words also showing is to select the character fonts to be ridiculously small to the extent that they can't really be read. This problem is mitigated on the treo by being able to drag the divider to the left.
I find it quite important to be able to scan quickly down a list of search results and sometimes be able to see a few following pinyin words in case I'm not familiar with some of the characters. It's not possible to show all the pinyin words with the 3-4 character phrases but as long as a few are showing I've found it more than adequate for all the rest of the 1-2 character words.
You said it would not be possible to have an drag adjustable divider on the iOS. How about just having a few preset options for setting the divider line further to the left? Also, a function to display the chosen word full screen without the search list on the right would then make it perfect, because you could set the search function far to the left and then go full screen when you've found the word that you want. Is there any reason this function is not included? Apologies if it is and I haven't been able to locate it!
The Landscape mode on the Ipod Touch is actually fine. For your reference, if you want to know what I can generally see displayed on my search list on the Treo, I put my settings on the Touch at Layout Head Pron Defn - Headword 20 / Pron 14 / Def 14 / Def line 1. What I can see with these settings on my Touch is comparable to what I can see on my Treo.
I noticed the Portrait Keyboard and Landscape Keyboard options below the "rearrange list when keyboard open". I changed some of the font sizes but haven't noticed any changes in appearance on the list menu. What do they change?
I have to say that the customization process is also not that easy, as the manual is quite long and it's not always clear to me what each selection will change in the dictionary. Especially so for the search results section.