Whoops, sorry for late reply.
Numbers on the other hand require more effort to access from keyboard. I can think of several uses of numbers like in telephone numbers and other general uses. From my experience, most text written vertically will have their numbers written in their Chinese characters while those written horizontally use Arabic numerals. This probably only happens for large numbers though.
And support for the 〇 character would be good too.
Some other requests too:
There is also some random crashing and occasionally documents get reset back to the top after going through several layers of dictionary entries. I'm still trying to find a solid way of reproducing these crashes and document position reset. I think it has something to do with some of the settings I've changed. I'll post if I ever find out the exact cause.
Well, I figured that since the keyboard is just a tap away to access and it would probably be much quicker to type them up rather than draw them, especially since the letters usually come large quantities at a time to form words, and the lack of an easy space character makes it even more troublesome to use.mikelove said:scykei said:I've just found out about the Alpha handwriting feature. It's not bad but I would like a way to only recognize numbers because I doubt that I will use handwriting for alphabets too much.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure if I understand this... why would you want to write numbers but not letters? What sort of text are you entering with that box? Are you composing some kind of document in the document reader that uses a combination of Chinese characters and numbers?
Numbers on the other hand require more effort to access from keyboard. I can think of several uses of numbers like in telephone numbers and other general uses. From my experience, most text written vertically will have their numbers written in their Chinese characters while those written horizontally use Arabic numerals. This probably only happens for large numbers though.
And support for the 〇 character would be good too.
If it is possible, hopefully all of the punctuation marks that are already in the punctuation button below the handwriting space.mikelove said:scykei said:Also, can you let it support common punctuation marks like a fullstop and a comma? It would be much easier to just tap the bottom right area of the screen for a fullstop than having needing to tap three times to access the character and back. Maybe the space characters can be supported too by drawing the classic line across.
Certainly possible, but not something we've had much demand for; so I guess this is being used in the document reader, then. Other than a fullstop and a comma, which punctuation marks do you regularly need to access?
Some other requests too:
- Can you make the keyboard not pop up every time we write? It seems that the keyboard pops up no matter what and is only hidden behind the handwriting/radical interface. Can't it pop up only when the "Key" button is pressed? I don't know but having the keyboard pop up with the animation play and then suddenly disappear behind the handwriting input feels clunky.
- I would like to request more information in the Character info section such as other types of romanization. This might have been requested before but I'm not entirely sure. Besides the mandarin romanization systems and non-romanization (Zhuyin), I think I'd like to use Yale Romanization just because I've been studying with it for some time. Jyutping is good but I'm not really used to it.
- In addition to that, it would be great if the Cangjie input can show the characters to press rather than just the keyboard button. I'm currently learning how to type in Cangjie (It's hard ) and I think I've gotten some basics for it. For example, 我 = 竹手戈 instead of HQI.
- A history section for every character I visit. When I come from an entry to another entry through the (>) buttons, it doesn't get recorded into the history. Same happens when when browsing words through document reader, etc. I think there should be another section for it to just to keep track of what I've learnt. I think the list will build fast if this is implemented so some sort of limits should be applied too, like to only keep newest 500 or 1,000 in history or something. I don't think I'll need to scroll too far back in history anyway. Just the recent ones.
- Full screen document reader. The menus might appear every time a word is tapped on for definition though.
There is also some random crashing and occasionally documents get reset back to the top after going through several layers of dictionary entries. I'm still trying to find a solid way of reproducing these crashes and document position reset. I think it has something to do with some of the settings I've changed. I'll post if I ever find out the exact cause.