numble said:Have you thought of context-sensitive settings? A tiny popup if you hold down on a button to adjust what it can do, or something similar? I've been using Pleco for so long that I didn't even know this "search-everywhere" was a feature that was available.
Submenus in general are something we've been playing with a lot - buttons that reveal other buttons, in other words; already do that a little in OCR but the interface isn't very pretty and they're too close to their original buttons, we ideally want them in some sort of little "bubble."
The dictionary definition and Character Info screens are actually being merged (as they already are on Android), so there should only be one type of screen to dig into and that should make it a lot easier for us to put at least this particular function somewhere where people can get at it more easily.
Azimuth said:Great, that's exactly the behaviour I was after. Could be worth highlighting this in some sort of faq in your upcoming wiki/knowledge base - much easier than figuring it out from the manual's descriptions of what the various buttons do. Thanks!
The new UI will most likely be accompanied by an array of tutorials / FAQs / etc, but we're not spending a lot of time further documenting what we have now since it's all due for a change very soon.