First of all, it's an amazing app! When I first lived in China, I had a little custom-built dictionary with handwriting recognition, which was pretty useful, but was still more designed for Chinese learning English, than foreigners learning Chinese - which showed in the interface. I've then used Wenlin a whole lot (even made a little screencast, because you can't really explain to people how brilliant it is:
Last year, a friend of mine in Beijing, who does translation professionally, told me about Pleco. I bought an iPod touch this fall, and was waiting for the release of Pleco with bated breath (I did use it for a lot of other stuff, and didn't primarily buy it for Pleco, but it sure helps!)...
The release is amazing - way better than anything else on the market. Even the test version is pretty decent, but when you buy the full package, which I did, it's something quite different! Great text recognition, very good interface for uploading files (the web interface works like a dream), I _love_ the text reader, I've dreamt about being able to take Chinese books with me and have mouseover lookup for a long time! And even if the flashcard thing isn't done, the fact that I can still easily add words I lookup to a list, is great for reviewing!
When it comes to dictionaries, I really love the Chinese dictionary included. My Chinese is pretty good, but I've never bothered to use a unilingual dictionary before. Now, with the built-on dictionary browser, it's very usable, and it's great to be able to switch through and see the different dictionary definitions for a term. If you are getting new dictionaries, it would be great to have a gigantic Chinese dictionary - the thing that is most frustrating to me is to not find things in the dictionary. And chengyu etc should definitively be covered.
Another idea is to include a dictionary generated from interwiki links from Wikipedia. I've blogged about how I went about extracting this dictionary here: This idea starts with the fact that almost every article on Wikipedia (I'm not talking about Wiktionary here, which is sadly not very useful) has a link to the same article in other languages. It's relatively easy to download the whole thing, and extract all Chinese-English links (and filter out the ones where the Chinese entry does not contain Chinese characters). This is of course rough, but useful due to the massive amount of entries - especially good for names of famous people (something I always struggle with in Chinese), and place names etc. If I want to know what Michael Jackson is called in Chinese (迈克尔·杰克逊), Pleco won't help me - let alone if I want to know the name of the Norwegian prime minister... (谢尔·马格纳·邦德维克).
It's easy for anyone to generate this file - I included all the instructions (open source), but I would also be happy to generate a file for you in any format you desire, if this is interesting. Anyway, it's one of the first things I'll put on my Pleco when you can install user-generated dictionaries. (As well as the Norwegian-Chinese one, of course you can generate dictionaries for any language combinations).
(I also did something similar with KDE language files (, which provides a huge deal of specialized computer expressions etc, but these are collocated sentences, which are more suited to a full-text search, and probably not fit for inclusion into Pleco.
Stian / 侯爽