iPhone Feature Requests


mikelove" [quote="andrewjr8 said:
And phrases and sentences for flash cards as well! 谢谢

Already supported, just hidden to avoid accidental cheating and keep things more readable - Flashcard Testing / More Settings / Display / Definition sections / No Xrefs (or Show All).[/quote]

I changed this setting but I'm not seeing any difference though. How do cards for sentences and phrases work? Are they only for review mode?


Staff member
andrewjr8 said:
I changed this setting but I'm not seeing any difference though. How do cards for sentences and phrases work? Are they only for review mode?

I thought you were referring to the fact that example sentences in dictionary entries were hidden during tests - changing that setting brings them back. We don't currently support sentence / phrase-based flashcards, at least not officially, though I think a couple of people have made sentence-based flashcard lists anyway that work reasonably well - see the Flashcard Exchange forum for that.


There may be some rights limitations that would prevent this, but:

I have 5 dictionaries on Pleco, and it's absolutely unpredictable which one has the best definition. PLC often has the most extensive examples, but CC sometimes seems more up to date -- sometimes Oxford is the best for classical phrases, and so on. When you do a lookup and add to flashcards, the default definition is used, and usually at that point you don't want to have to search through all the dictionaries.

Would it be possible to optionally make a flashcard definition which consists of ALL the dictionary definitions aggregated?


Staff member
mikeo said:
Would it be possible to optionally make a flashcard definition which consists of ALL the dictionary definitions aggregated?

We could append them all together, I suppose - it wouldn't be perfect if we did it automatically since there are sometimes ambiguous mappings between dictionaries (some have multiple entries even for the same character+Pinyin combination) but it would be pretty solid anyway. Where would you want to view them like this? Would it help if we just had a Switch Dictionary button in flashcard tests to let you quickly bring up alternate definitions?

Any plans for Pleco to purchase a dictionary with etymology explanations? I like many students (especially those studying traditional characters) find this an invaluable method for character memorisation. Currently I use Pleco for my 'homework' but unfortunately have to be near a laptop to access Wenlin for the stories.

I have spoken to the other guys at my school and they think this is the only weakness of Pleco.




jackharrison said:
Currently I use Pleco for my 'homework' but unfortunately have to be near a laptop to access Wenlin for the stories.

Yet another reason to build in a Web browser! :lol:


Staff member
jackharrison said:
Any plans for Pleco to purchase a dictionary with etymology explanations? I like many students (especially those studying traditional characters) find this an invaluable method for character memorisation. Currently I use Pleco for my 'homework' but unfortunately have to be near a laptop to access Wenlin for the stories.

We've been trying like crazy to license one for the last year or two and there simply aren't any available - we've literally contacted every single publisher / author of an English-language Chinese etymology dictionary (including web-based ones) and they all said no, all we've found so far are a few Chinese-Chinese titles and some elementary character-learning books that don't cover very many characters and are really designed more as learning tools than references (grouped in a certain way to aid memorization and/or sacrificing etymological accuracy for the sake of easy recall).

So about all that's left for us to do is hire some editors and develop our own; actually not a ridiculous idea, but right now we need all of our spare capital for Android licenses so it'll be another year or so before we can get the cash together to do that. In the meantime, the "Chars" tab in the character info screen gives you something like 50% of the functionality of an etymology dictionary at least, and we're also keeping our eye on an effort to digitize / open-source Karlgren (which we'll happily release for Pleco if the rights work out) which would be another way to get some etymology support.


mikelove said:
mikeo said:
Would it be possible to optionally make a flashcard definition which consists of ALL the dictionary definitions aggregated?

We could append them all together, I suppose - it wouldn't be perfect if we did it automatically since there are sometimes ambiguous mappings between dictionaries (some have multiple entries even for the same character+Pinyin combination) but it would be pretty solid anyway. Where would you want to view them like this? Would it help if we just had a Switch Dictionary button in flashcard tests to let you quickly bring up alternate definitions?

Even a non-100% appending could be quite useful. The idea is either to be able to pick and choose text (i.e., construct a new user-defined entry consisting of pieces of those which already exist - but that's rather laborious) among the available definitions and sentence usage examples, or to just lump them all together so one will supplement the weakness of another and together they'll be a good definition/set of examples.

Switching dictionaries during the tests isn't desirable, I think, because by the time of the test you should be working, at least in your mind, with a single definition (even if it's long and has many parts).


Dear Mike,

johnh113 said:
I use the audio on every card, many times many times per card as I drill the sounds...I want it in a consistent position on the bottom.
mikelove said:
How about if we simply added an option to permanently put the audio button on one side of the answer buttons? (so it would be integrated with correct / incorrect / reveal / etc, taking up a consistent 1/4 or so of the area on one side) In general I'm still comfortable with the design arguments for putting it on top, but I can certainly see how heavy users might derive some ergonomic benefits from putting it on the bottom. How have you managed to never use the X - do you always see sessions through to their completion?
Yes, permanently by the answer buttons helps. I use it a lot and would prefer it be in the same place always and everywhere. Also, with the sound on top, my left thumb covers up the display when I reach to the top right for the audio button (and I like to look at the hanzi while listening to the sound). This isn't as much a problem for right handed people using their right hand to reach for the audio button in the top right hand corner, as the text is left justified and is covered up less. But if the button were switched to the left hand size for left handed people, we would probably need the hanzi, pron and defn to be right justified. Just another reason for the audio button to be below the display.

Now that I've upgraded to 4.0.1, I now use the X button sometimes. But before 4.0.1, I would just use the physical button at the bottom of the iPhone to exit the program and go to a different program or use the power button to turn it off. Now that I'm at 4.0.1 there is utility in the X button.

johnh113 said:
What I would like is for the audio button to find a home on one of the lower rows and stay there, forever.
mikelove said:
I see your point with the popup reader toolbars - that's just an oversight owing to the fact that that button isn't normally in the top bar at all, it should be in a location that corresponds to its regular bottom bar location - but there's no way for us to put it in that same location in the flashcard screen too without completely screwing up the design of that screen; putting it on the bottom of the screen somewhere as an off-by-default option for heavy audio flashcard users is one thing, but adding a whole extra toolbar to the screen just for the sake of consistency is another. Consistency is a fine thing, but not when you have to seriously compromise the design of your UI to attain it; some interfaces just work better for one task than another.
Yes, I understand you preference for a clean, uncluttered design. Myself, I would put it in my new row of buttons at the bottom that also includes the reader, dict and flashcards. And yes I know I'm not getting my desire here.

johnh113 said:
Not me. I just want to get back the state I was in before I hit the wrong button. I can take it from there.
mikelove said:
Understood, but would you be terribly bothered if we did add a popup for that after tapping Undo? (one to which you could hit Cancel if you weren't interested in applying a new score) I suppose we could add Yet Another Incredibly Obscure Option Checkbox to turn off that prompt, but we've gotten a lot of forum posts / emails asking for an option to set a new score so I'm inclined to just make that the only behavior.
Obviously, I will live with whatever you provide. I suspect that the reason for a lot of those requests for an option to set a new score is because we don't have a proper undo.

johnh113 said:
But for the vast majority of my cards, one day will be a very small percentage as I don't consider a card learned until it is over 72000.
mikelove said:
That makes sense - a little "wiggle room" in the algorithm wouldn't really hurt matters, if we added an option to include in rep-spaced reviews cards within, say, 5% of their target review date or so. (or an arbitrary percentage for that matter)
I would prefer the ability to set the "wiggle room" in days rather than a percentage. And I would prefer it after I have completed all my cards for today and want to begin on tomorrow's. And I sometimes get behind and turn my clock back a day or even two days to work on cards that I haven't finished from a previous day. This is really about leveling the number of cards that are going to come up. I like to finish today's cards because otherwise there will be a spike in the number of cards that come up tomorrow and then periodically according to my repetition spacing. My solution was to be able to set the date forward or back a day or two in order to get a jump on tomorrow's cards or to finish yesterday's cards, but a leveling solution of some sort would also work. And if nothing else, I can continue to change the date on my iPhone as I have been doing.

johnh113 said:
Yes, that will be nice. I find that I spend a lot of time looking up the word that I incorrectly guessed. The incorrect guess might have been a homonym, in which case the selecting the pinyin will be much faster than calling up the dictionary.
mikelove said:
Arbitrary text selection is now implemented for 2.2, though we've also started playing around with some ideas for dealing with ambiguous words - partly because we've seen a ton of "missing entry" reports for words that it turned out people had simply typed wrong, choosing another character that sounded the same as the correct one (and usually contained the correct character as a radical, or was contained within it as one).
Yes, that is exactly what happens. I confuse a character with another that looks similar. Your new character page is fabulous for this as I can set the character broken down into its component parts (although the database could be better - many of the parts don't have their pinyin even though they are common characters or parts) and I can also look at other characters that use any of those component parts. Really a great, great addition. Now if only I could adjust the font sizes on those screens.

mikelove said:
It actually doesn't look that bad (this is with 26 and 22, but keeping lines a consistent height regardless of whether not they have Chinese on them):
Yes, it doesn't look too bad. Not as nice as all the same height, but in general hanzi needs to be larger than roman simply because most hanzi have many more strokes than roman characters. I'd like the ability to set headword size, pron size, roman and hanzi definition sizes on all lists everywhere, including on the character pages. I know its a lot of work for you that adds no functionality other than making it easier to read (and will look worse, I know), and so will be way, way down on the priority list.

johnh113 said:
On the list view after a search I find the relationship between the blue arrows on the right and the dian at the bottom to be very non-intuitive. I think that the previous (Palm) version of the toggling between dian and guo was better although still not great.
mikelove said:
That one didn't work on iPhone because there's no persistent text selection - it's not clear which entry you want to jump to the dictionary location of. People seem to like the function in general, so the main question is whether there's a way we could present it better - having a button somewhere on every result entry is necessary in order to take care of that selection problem, but can you think of a better way to handle the button aspect of this? Maybe show a button in all of the dictionary entries that are also search results and let you tap on that to go back to the search results, or just bring them back when tapping on the search bar?
I understand, and unfortunately have no suggestions.

mikelove said:
Works fine for you but it's a non-starter for far too many people; you simply can't hit buttons reliably that way. I have fairly narrow fingers and I've found when testing with two rows of buttons that I hit the wrong row maybe 10-20% of the time, which is WAY too often with commonly-used commands like the switch dictionary button. I'm also not big on sacrificing all of that screen space / adding more clutter, many of our screens are already ridiculously crowded by iPhone app standards and an extra row of permanently-visible buttons would start to make things seem downright silly.
Ok, I don't agree, but I do understand I'm not getting my new row of buttons at the bottom.

mikelove said:
We could, however, consider adding some sort of other shortcut to get back to the Dict tab - lots of requests for one of those. A few people (including you?) have suggested a three-finger tap, which I'm not crazy about but which might work in flashcards at least; shaking the device would be another possibility, and in either case an additional shake / tap could take you back to the tab you were in before.
Something along those lines might work. When in flashcards I often go to the fan to get to the dict, do some looking around, and then want to come back to flashcards. That's why I wanted the dict and flashcard buttons to be permanently visible. If there's another solution to toggle back and forth that will be fine, probably better.

johnh113 said:
Sometimes in a 4 character phrase the actual word is split into characters 2 and 4 (无情无义)or in characters 1 and 4 (乱七八糟)and the other characters are just intensifiers. It would be nice to have some way of selecting two characters that are separated to find that word. Or like 千变万化. I would like to be able to look up bianhua.
mikelove said:
It's a little tough to detect those - lots of different combinations of characters in between and sometimes the same characters will also appear in words that don't naturally separate like that. I'm not sure where we could really find room in the UI for a "shrink 4-character phrase" button either... maybe some sort of optional UI that gave you big blown-up versions of the characters in the search field to allow you to more easily remove some of them?
Yes, I didn't really want you to automatically detect them. What I meant to ask for was a way to select two non-contiguous characters myself, like using the "apple command" button on the Mac to add to a previous selection. That way I could select the first character, do something magic, and then select the second character and have it added to the first selection so that I could look up that two character word.

And now for new requests.

On the character pages, I'd like to be able to play the sound. Not that I can't read pinyin, I just like to hear the sound when I'm looking at a character. This is obviously a low priority.

On the character pages, I'd like the radicals to have their spoken name (san dian shui) rather than their radical number, or, in addition to their radical number. In conversation people never refer to the radical numbers, they use the radical names and we need to know those names.

In the settings tab, a lot of settings are not clear. And it's a lot of trouble to exit the settings and go to the reference to find out what the setting does. Perhaps it might be better if every setting were actually a link to an explanation of that setting, with the explanations stored locally on the iPhone, not Internet based.

A minor bug: In Zhang4, 丈, in the ABC Dict, if you click on the first link, "1chi" it crashes Pleco.

And just a note so you don't think I'm ungrateful for all you do for us. I love Pleco. All of these suggestions are really minor, low priority suggestions. I use Pleco for 2 to 3 hours every day, and I really enjoy using it.



johnh113 said:
On the character pages, I'd like the radicals to have their spoken name (san dian shui) rather than their radical number, or, in addition to their radical number. In conversation people never refer to the radical numbers, they use the radical names and we need to know those names.

In the settings tab, a lot of settings are not clear. And it's a lot of trouble to exit the settings and go to the reference to find out what the setting does. Perhaps it might be better if every setting were actually a link to an explanation of that setting, with the explanations stored locally on the iPhone, not Internet based.


I would just like to bump these requests. I find personally that studying radicals is the best way to understand/memorize characters. The chinese speakers I talk to always refer to radicals by their names and I feel this would be a great addition to the Pleco learning experience. Also I noticed for some radicals I found don't have any definition,tone, or have the ability to practice stroke order/fill-in-the-blank test.

I would also like to second the praise to Pleco. I have been self-studying for almost two years and have just started using Pleco last month. I seriously don't know how I existed without it. I'm extremely impressed with the effort made by the designers to communicate and understand their customers its just something you don't often seen in any product. Keep up the good work!



I looked around in the posts assuming that this has been asked for in the past, but didn't find it: the ability to search for words in the reader. Not on the web, which is a request that i did see. That would be nice too, but I just mean searching within the text that is open in the reader.


mikelove said:
an extra row of permanently-visible buttons would start to make things seem downright silly.

Can you offset the button rows diagonally, like on those ridiculous QWERTY keyboards we still have to use? If you could do that, then it should be fairly easy to distinguish between hitting one button square on or a button near its edge.

You could also do what the Apple keyboard does, and not accept the key until the user releases it, which allows the user to drag their finger to the right key when they see the wrong one pop up (I can't do this, because I'm typing way too fast to actually still have my finger on the keyboard when my brain registers the missed key, but it's probably useful in the context of buttons.)


While trying the beta, I thought of the following somewhat questionable features:

- For the recognition screens, it would be nice to have an option to hide the HWR | Rad | Key etc. bar to get more table cells on screen when using the keyboard. Not sure how to re-enable it, though.

- When using the keyboard recognizer, it would be nice to be able to do the tone marks through gestures.


dcarpent said:
I looked around in the posts assuming that this has been asked for in the past, but didn't find it: the ability to search for words in the reader. Not on the web, which is a request that i did see. That would be nice too, but I just mean searching within the text that is open in the reader.

If what you mean is a facility to "find" chinese text you type in inside the currently-open reader document, I'd like to second that request. Something like the similar function on Kindle - comes in handy in many situations.


character said:
For the recognition screens, it would be nice to have an option to hide the HWR | Rad | Key etc. bar to get more table cells on screen when using the keyboard. Not sure how to re-enable it, though.

That's what eleven-finger tap is for! (I have no idea if iOS supports 11 fingers, but OS X does.)

character said:
When using the keyboard recognizer, it would be nice to be able to do the tone marks through gestures.

Two (or three) finger swipe? These things make more sense on the iPad but you don't need them on the iPad. Sadly Apple doesn't seem interested in a sensibly sized iOS device. So maybe this time next year I'll be carrying two iPads. :-(

~ Kiran


Staff member
mikeo said:
Even a non-100% appending could be quite useful. The idea is either to be able to pick and choose text (i.e., construct a new user-defined entry consisting of pieces of those which already exist - but that's rather laborious) among the available definitions and sentence usage examples, or to just lump them all together so one will supplement the weakness of another and together they'll be a good definition/set of examples.

Switching dictionaries during the tests isn't desirable, I think, because by the time of the test you should be working, at least in your mind, with a single definition (even if it's long and has many parts).

Well that's sort of my problem with the idea in general - I don't really think of flashcard definitions as being long and wide-ranging in general, maybe just because that's not how I've ever used them myself; so when you study flashcards you generally like to spend a little time reading through a word, checking example sentences, reminding yourself about subtle points of usage, etc? A lot of people just seem to churn through them at at least a few cards per minute, but perhaps there's another approach that we need to do a better job of accommodating.

johnh113 said:
Yes, permanently by the answer buttons helps. I use it a lot and would prefer it be in the same place always and everywhere. Also, with the sound on top, my left thumb covers up the display when I reach to the top right for the audio button (and I like to look at the hanzi while listening to the sound). This isn't as much a problem for right handed people using their right hand to reach for the audio button in the top right hand corner, as the text is left justified and is covered up less. But if the button were switched to the left hand size for left handed people, we would probably need the hanzi, pron and defn to be right justified.
Just another reason for the audio button to be below the display.

Thanks as always for the detailed feedback (and sorry for the slow reply).

Understood - we didn't get custom toolbars into 2.2 (or a lot of the other things we wanted - people were really crazy for OCR and we had our hands full finishing that and dealing with some labor-intensive under-the-hood issues) but we're going pretty crazy with custom button arrangements in 2.3 (or trying to anyway), so hopefully this'll be available then if not sooner.

johnh113 said:
Yes, I understand you preference for a clean, uncluttered design. Myself, I would put it in my new row of buttons at the bottom that also includes the reader, dict and flashcards. And yes I know I'm not getting my desire here.

Not big on the extra rows, no - in the early development versions they were used heavily, HWR had a whole bunch of things on top of other things, but people just can't hit narrow vertical bands reliably on finger-driven touchscreens.

johnh113 said:
Obviously, I will live with whatever you provide. I suspect that the reason for a lot of those requests for an option to set a new score is because we don't have a proper undo.

In 2.2 we actually added both the undo score prompt and an option to turn it off, though that option will be buried beneath half a dozen layers of "Advanced" screens the second we get our Settings update finished. (also delayed because it's so closely tied to custom toolbars) What do you mean by "a proper undo" though?

johnh113 said:
I would prefer the ability to set the "wiggle room" in days rather than a percentage. And I would prefer it after I have completed all my cards for today and want to begin on tomorrow's. And I sometimes get behind and turn my clock back a day or even two days to work on cards that I haven't finished from a previous day. This is really about leveling the number of cards that are going to come up. I like to finish today's cards because otherwise there will be a spike in the number of cards that come up tomorrow and then periodically according to my repetition spacing. My solution was to be able to set the date forward or back a day or two in order to get a jump on tomorrow's cards or to finish yesterday's cards, but a leveling solution of some sort would also work. And if nothing else, I can continue to change the date on my iPhone as I have been doing.

Actually, at least for reviewing cards ahead of schedule we've already got you covered with our keep-reviewing-after-session-ends prompt; if you set one of your top fields in "Display" to "Overdue Interval" you can even get it to tell you exactly how many days ahead of schedule a particular card is, and it automatically sorts cards after the session ends by their due date so you can only review up until you hit the date you want to stop at.

johnh113 said:
Yes, that is exactly what happens. I confuse a character with another that looks similar. Your new character page is fabulous for this as I can set the character broken down into its component parts (although the database could be better - many of the parts don't have their pinyin even though they are common characters or parts) and I can also look at other characters that use any of those component parts. Really a great, great addition. Now if only I could adjust the font sizes on those screens.

They should use the same font sizes as the regular entry list - do you want them to be separately configurable? We do need to do a better job with definitions there, yes - have to link together all of the different versions of common radicals so that it pulls up a definition for all of them.

johnh113 said:
Yes, it doesn't look too bad. Not as nice as all the same height, but in general hanzi needs to be larger than roman simply because most hanzi have many more strokes than roman characters. I'd like the ability to set headword size, pron size, roman and hanzi definition sizes on all lists everywhere, including on the character pages. I know its a lot of work for you that adds no functionality other than making it easier to read (and will look worse, I know), and so will be way, way down on the priority list.

Not necessarily a lot of work, but hard to put too high on the priority list it's true - just notching up the hanzi size by 1 or 2 extra pixels actually might create enough of an aesthetic improvement to be worth it, though.

johnh113 said:
Something along those lines might work. When in flashcards I often go to the fan to get to the dict, do some looking around, and then want to come back to flashcards. That's why I wanted the dict and flashcard buttons to be permanently visible. If there's another solution to toggle back and forth that will be fine, probably better.

Maybe a button tap-hold, then - we're steadily consolidating a lot of redundant UI code, so there are actually fewer things we'd need to change in every new release to allow systemwide menu button tap-holding.

johnh113 said:
Yes, I didn't really want you to automatically detect them. What I meant to ask for was a way to select two non-contiguous characters myself, like using the "apple command" button on the Mac to add to a previous selection. That way I could select the first character, do something magic, and then select the second character and have it added to the first selection so that I could look up that two character word.

I see... so you'd almost just want another button that appends the selected text to the input field instead of replacing its contents, right?

johnh113 said:
On the character pages, I'd like to be able to play the sound. Not that I can't read pinyin, I just like to hear the sound when I'm looking at a character. This is obviously a low priority.

So you'd want an audio playback button right on the Char Info screen? Not sure if we can justify squeezing another button into that UI for something accessible with just one extra screen tap as-is, though maybe if we optionally put it somewhere in Details (heck, nothing happens if you tap on the character at the top of the screen right now)

johnh113 said:
On the character pages, I'd like the radicals to have their spoken name (san dian shui) rather than their radical number, or, in addition to their radical number. In conversation people never refer to the radical numbers, they use the radical names and we need to know those names.

Fair enough... do you know of a good free reference that lists those?

johnh113 said:
In the settings tab, a lot of settings are not clear. And it's a lot of trouble to exit the settings and go to the reference to find out what the setting does. Perhaps it might be better if every setting were actually a link to an explanation of that setting, with the explanations stored locally on the iPhone, not Internet based.

That's been requested by a few people and should hopefully come with the long-awaited Settings redesign in 2.3.

johnh113 said:
A minor bug: In Zhang4, 丈, in the ABC Dict, if you click on the first link, "1chi" it crashes Pleco.

Doesn't seem to crash on mine, but it doesn't work either, it just selects a big block of text - very odd. Hopefully we can fix this in the 2.2.1 bug-fix release.

johnh113 said:
And just a note so you don't think I'm ungrateful for all you do for us. I love Pleco. All of these suggestions are really minor, low priority suggestions. I use Pleco for 2 to 3 hours every day, and I really enjoy using it.

Thanks! Minor suggestions are what make the difference between a polished app and a thrown-together one, so this sort of specific feedback is exactly what we need.

andrewjr8 said:
I would just like to bump these requests. I find personally that studying radicals is the best way to understand/memorize characters. The chinese speakers I talk to always refer to radicals by their names and I feel this would be a great addition to the Pleco learning experience. Also I noticed for some radicals I found don't have any definition,tone, or have the ability to practice stroke order/fill-in-the-blank test.

I would also like to second the praise to Pleco. I have been self-studying for almost two years and have just started using Pleco last month. I seriously don't know how I existed without it. I'm extremely impressed with the effort made by the designers to communicate and understand their customers its just something you don't often seen in any product. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I think an official radical dictionary may have to join classical / Cantonese / Chengyu / etymology in the ranks of Things We Need To License, though we may be able to do pretty well with free resources - is there any radical dictionary / radical reference you're particularly fond of? I'm delighted to hear you're finding our software useful.

dcarpent said:
I looked around in the posts assuming that this has been asked for in the past, but didn't find it: the ability to search for words in the reader. Not on the web, which is a request that i did see. That would be nice too, but I just mean searching within the text that is open in the reader.

Hasn't been asked for much, no - on the web it's actually a bit challenging (though other apps have done it, I assume using JavaScript) but in a plaintext document it's pretty darn easy.

Entropy said:
Can you offset the button rows diagonally, like on those ridiculous QWERTY keyboards we still have to use? If you could do that, then it should be fairly easy to distinguish between hitting one button square on or a button near its edge.

That only works if you disregard (or at least weight less) buttons hit on their edges - we actually just expanded the tappable area of a few buttons in 2.2 because we saw people were having a hard time hitting them accurately when their finger position was a bit off, so I'm not inclined to reduce the tappable area of any of them. Though my "silly" comment was more about the look of the thing - it's hard enough holding back the massive swam of options in Settings, I'd hate to make the regular UI that overwhelming.

character said:
- For the recognition screens, it would be nice to have an option to hide the HWR | Rad | Key etc. bar to get more table cells on screen when using the keyboard. Not sure how to re-enable it, though.

That'd be the problem, yeah - would it help if we hid the keyboard on a scroll-down but brought it back instantly if you tapped in the search bar again?

character said:
- When using the keyboard recognizer, it would be nice to be able to do the tone marks through gestures.

That's a bit tricky as long as we're relying on Apple's keyboard... maybe if we repurposed some of the letters that come up when you tap-hold on a keyboard button? First, second, and fourth tones are already covered correctly for a/e/i/o/u, so we'd just need to use a different symbol for third (probably just the upside-down version, â) and make people keep using tone numbers in the obscure umlaut-with-tone-mark cases.


mikelove said:
character said:
- For the recognition screens, it would be nice to have an option to hide the HWR | Rad | Key etc. bar to get more table cells on screen when using the keyboard. Not sure how to re-enable it, though.
That'd be the problem, yeah - would it help if we hid the keyboard on a scroll-down but brought it back instantly if you tapped in the search bar again?
That sounds like a very good UX enhancement -- can you also hide the HWR, etc. bar?

mikelove said:
character said:
- When using the keyboard recognizer, it would be nice to be able to do the tone marks through gestures.
That's a bit tricky as long as we're relying on Apple's keyboard... maybe if we repurposed some of the letters that come up when you tap-hold on a keyboard button? First, second, and fourth tones are already covered correctly for a/e/i/o/u, so we'd just need to use a different symbol for third (probably just the upside-down version, â) and make people keep using tone numbers in the obscure umlaut-with-tone-mark cases.
Interesting idea; would that complicate the search processing even more than it must be already? OTOH, if you can hide the keyboard as above, then you could hide the tone button bar.


Staff member
character said:
That sounds like a very good UX enhancement -- can you also hide the HWR, etc. bar?

In theory yes, but that would require shifting the list upwards, which I don't think would necessarily be a desirable behavior - if this doesn't happen instantly then it isn't really providing any advantage over just hitting Done.

character said:
Interesting idea; would that complicate the search processing even more than it must be already? OTOH, if you can hide the keyboard as above, then you could hide the tone button bar.

It would complicate it a bit more, but we've already dealt with uncertain syllable separation pretty well in the last few releases (chan'gan versus chang'an) so the main problem would be extracting the tone marks / correctly associating them with syllables.


mikelove said:
It would complicate it a bit more, but we've already dealt with uncertain syllable separation pretty well in the last few releases (chan'gan versus chang'an) so the main problem would be extracting the tone marks / correctly associating them with syllables.
I think it would be faster/easier for the user to have the tone bar and press one of the tones, then have the tone bar and keyboard disappear, than press and hold a letter, then select the accented letter.


mikelove said:
mikeo said:
Even a non-100% appending could be quite useful. The idea is either to be able to pick and choose text (i.e., construct a new user-defined entry consisting of pieces of those which already exist - but that's rather laborious) among the available definitions and sentence usage examples, or to just lump them all together so one will supplement the weakness of another and together they'll be a good definition/set of examples.

Switching dictionaries during the tests isn't desirable, I think, because by the time of the test you should be working, at least in your mind, with a single definition (even if it's long and has many parts).

Well that's sort of my problem with the idea in general - I don't really think of flashcard definitions as being long and wide-ranging in general, maybe just because that's not how I've ever used them myself; so when you study flashcards you generally like to spend a little time reading through a word, checking example sentences, reminding yourself about subtle points of usage, etc? A lot of people just seem to churn through them at at least a few cards per minute, but perhaps there's another approach that we need to do a better job of accommodating.

I agree that there are different use cases here - the quick flip through flashcards is something that almost everyone does. You add flashcards from books, words you hear, signs you see, newspaper, etc. They come from all over and you're likely to spend some time when you add them to choose the best dictionary entry for the card.

But when you use reader, for me and I think many others the use case is different. The main thing you want to do is READ, so when you hit a phrase you don't know, you just add it to flashcards with a quick tap and try to get back to the text. Sometimes that quick tap which puts an entry in from the default dictionary, isn't actually the best definition. It's only when you review the cards later that you can know that, and it's rather clunky and time consuming to start editing the cards at that point. So my suggestion was simply to allow an aggregation of all the defintions, to make this whole process quicker. From my point of view, it's far less time-consuming to just have ALL the definitions on the card, than to have to pick and choose and edit among them.