HSK 3.0 Flashcards


Just OCR'ed these this morning from the official PDF, will embed them in the app once they've been cleaned up + we've added pinyin etc to disambiguate any entries that need that.

If you want to use these somewhere other than Pleco there's a Github repo here and both this and that version are MIT licensed.

I tried importing these cards to Pleco. Somehow, the number of cards in each level does not match with the vocabulary table of HSK 3.0. Or maybe I making a mistake in importing these cards? Waiting for the updated premade cards so I could directly import in app. Thanks.


Staff member
There are a few duplicates; also, depending on your settings it might be skipping cards without entries. But it should generally be accurate number-wise, we imported the original files with the numbers associated with each card so we could check they were all there / check the OCR output against the original text.


There are a few duplicates; also, depending on your settings it might be skipping cards without entries. But it should generally be accurate number-wise, we imported the original files with the numbers associated with each card so we could check they were all there / check the OCR output against the original text.

Thanks for the prompt reply Mike. I tried again with different import settings and worked, I got exactly the same number of cards as in the HSK 3.0 table.

btw - I love the fact that Pleco never sends any notifications on phone/email. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that a company is not pushing customers to buy new addons, promotions, etc. <3 Pleco.
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@mikelove , should I wait until the flashcards are available to download directly from inside the Pleco app or doing it manually from this txt file is going to be the same?


New vocabulary: do a search for cards in HSK 2.0, then on the result page, go to Edit / Batch, set Category to HSK 3.0, and tap "Remove cards from category" - that will leave HSK 3.0 with only the cards that aren't in 2.0.
Didn't work exactly like that to me. I had to search for HSK 2.0. Edit - Batch , set category to HSK 3.0 SUBCATEGORY (ex, each of its sublevels) and then "Remove cards from category" . Had to do repeat this for each of the HSK 3.0 sublevels. If I tried to remove directly from HSK 3.0 it didn't work


In case anyone is interested in a flashcard list with ONLY the new words included in the HSK 3.0. It's separated by levels the same way it came from Mike's original list in this thread


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Staff member
@mikelove , should I wait until the flashcards are available to download directly from inside the Pleco app or doing it manually from this txt file is going to be the same?

We might fix a few bugs, yes. Also we’ll be adding definitions for missing words. The main wrinkle at the moment is that based on this it sounds like they might not actually be switching over to the new lists right away, so while we can continue adding entries for words we’re missing I don’t know if we’ll ship this list in our app until we know when it’s going to be on tests.


I am having difficulty importing these flashcards onto my android phone. Not sure if there is some sort of conflict with the things I already downloaded/purchased or if it is my settings, but I keep getting an error message. Went through the same steps on my hubby's phone and there were no issues. Any suggestions?


Staff member
That's odd - where is the file stored? Does Pleco have permission to access files in external storage? (check the system Settings app)


That's odd - where is the file stored? Does Pleco have permission to access files in external storage? (check the system Settings app)
Thought I had it, I had changed the definition source (file only) and it worked, but I only got the pinyin, no definitions. I lowered the number of dictionaries to one but nothing else works. I'll only get through 10-20 or so before the error message. Thanks for the prompt reply, though, I really appreciate that. Keep up the great work!
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Staff member
Hmm... maybe an issue editing your flashcard database? It could be taking a few cards before it tries to commit the transaction and discovers that the file can't be written to. Are you able to add / edit flashcards in Organize?

In general the best fix for weird Android file access bugs like this is to back up your settings / flashcards / history / user dictionaries and then delete and reinstall Pleco; that should hopefully reset any problematic file permissions.
Hi, I'd like to know which file should I import into Pleco, the one named "hsk30-pleco.txt" or the one named "hsk30-chars-pleco.txt"?
Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Depends on if you want to study a list of characters (-chars) or a list of words for the test. If you're not sure you should probably start with words.
Depends on if you want to study a list of characters (-chars) or a list of words for the test. If you're not sure you should probably start with words.
It's my first time using Pleco, so thanks for clarifying it to me. I'll definitely start with the words.
If I may ask one more question, I downloaded the premade HSK deck (HSK 1-6; 2012-2021) on the app, so before importing this HSK 3.0 word list should I delete the premade deck? I'm afraid to duplicate words.


Staff member
It wouldn't duplicate words, actually, it would add the existing cards to the new categories. So a card that was in both lists would appear in both categories but it would only be one card with one score record. (you can certainly delete the old list if you like, though)
It wouldn't duplicate words, actually, it would add the existing cards to the new categories. So a card that was in both lists would appear in both categories but it would only be one card with one score record. (you can certainly delete the old list if you like, though)
Got it. Thanks so much for your prompt reply, Mike.
I imported the word list, but it seems that each HSK 3.0 level is missing a few words, for example, the HSK 4 deck should have 1000 cards, but there are 995.


Hi ViniciusRJP,

Mike normally doesn't post to the Forums on Sundays, so I'll try to help to the best of my ability.

I downloaded the hsk30-pleco.txt file, too, and found that it doesn't contain a pinyin column, just Hanzi. In the HSK 4 category, for example, you can find the following lines:






... and three more, so you should get exactly five words less.

For the first example, 倒车 can be pronounced as either dao3che1, which means "change trains or buses", or dao4che1, which means "back up a car". While Pleco knows about these different words using the same Hanzi, understandably, it won't automatically assign the first word to the first item in the list and the second word to the second item in the list. You could search for all lines that have such double (or potentially triple) words using the following Regex:


(I used BBEdit on the Mac, or you could use Notepad++ on Windows.)

... and then look them up in Pleco and manually add the different pinyin pronunciations to them after a <tab> character. Otherwise, you'd just be left with the first meaning.

If you wish, I could add these different pinyin pronunciations to these relatively rare cases in all nine HSK 3.0 levels and reupload the file to the forums. Would you like me to do it, or would you like to try it?

Hope this helps,



Yes, if you add tags to these categories they'll show up along with the original ones for words that are in both.

How to import cards: https://iphone.pleco.com/manual/30200/flashtut.html#importingotherflashcardlists

How to set tags: tap on the (i) next to the category name in Organize (or on Android, long press it) and tap Add Tag.

Hi Mike,

I wanted to do what JD did and generally it worked, where the entry has both tags (see entry for 解雇, screenshot attached). I have the old HSK ones tagged OHSK# and the HSK 3.0 tagged HSK#.

However, for a particular word (雇佣), I run into issues. The entry I find when I use the search feature has only the new HSK7-9 tag, but I know this word was also in the old HSK. Sure enough, when I click the same word next to HZ in one of the dictionary entries, it brings me to another, separate entry that has the old HSK tagged on it. Attached screenshots for reference.

Obviously it would be ideal to have these combined. I imagine this is not the only case where this happens, though I don't have other examples right now, only a vague sense when going through some words tagged only with HSK3.0 that some of them might have also been in the old set (I could be totally wrong though). The issue might have something to do with the definition having a traditional variant (which is what I gather HZ signifies?), but ideally since I'm using simplified these entries would be merged.



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