Dictionary Wishlist


Staff member
We've never received an explanation, actually - either they tell us they're not interested without any details or they simply go silent and stop responding to us altogether (and when pressed, ask us to please stop writing them).
That's really too bad about these Taiwan dicts...

Maybe alex_hk90 would be willing to create a Pleco-friendly version of it, just like he did with MoE? :)


That's really too bad about these Taiwan dicts...

Maybe alex_hk90 would be willing to create a Pleco-friendly version of it, just like he did with MoE? :)

If the dictionaries are open source and in a clean format like MoEDict then I could have a look - no guarantees though as I'm pretty busy with work at the moment.


Staff member
If it's available with a license that allows commercial redistribution then we can convert it ourselves, the problem with Taiwanese open-source dictionaries is that they generally seem to have non-commercial clauses that would forbid us from doing so.
If it's available with a license that allows commercial redistribution then we can convert it ourselves, the problem with Taiwanese open-source dictionaries is that they generally seem to have non-commercial clauses that would forbid us from doing so.

I'm not sure about the licence (I'll try to find our later), but I'm afraid it's a similar story as with MoE...


Local language dictionaries (esp. Minnan/Hokkien dictionaries) +1

Also, how about the Naver or Daum Chinese-Korean/Korean-Chinese online dicts?
Thanks - hopefully I'll find some time this weekend to have a look at this. :)

EDIT: Looking through that GitHub site, it seems like there is an updated version of the data here?

No problem. :)
Hm, looks like it... I guess it'd be best to use the latest version then.

P.S.: maybe the MoE dictionary database has also been updated since the last time?
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No problem. :)
Hm, looks like it... I guess it'd be best to use the latest version then.

P.S.: maybe the MoE dictionary database has also been updated since the last time?

I've had a quick look at the data and on first glance it looks relatively easy to convert for Pleco (it's a just a flat file and has fields for Traditional, Simplified, pronunciation and meanings). There's some combining of fields and formatting to do, but nothing too difficult as far as I could tell.

PS: I checked the original link for the MoEDict data and it seems there has been a couple of new versions since I last did the Pleco conversion. Couldn't immediately find a changelog though.