Hi Mike,
I was wondering whether you plan to add some classical Chinese texts to your reader function. There are some (mediocre) Chinese-language apps with 白话 translation, but it would be nice if this could be integrated into Pleco so I can more easily consult the Pleco dictionary. It would be great too if you could toggle between 古文 and 白话, and also the option of footnotes for grammatical explanation. What do you think? Thank you!
I was wondering whether you plan to add some classical Chinese texts to your reader function. There are some (mediocre) Chinese-language apps with 白话 translation, but it would be nice if this could be integrated into Pleco so I can more easily consult the Pleco dictionary. It would be great too if you could toggle between 古文 and 白话, and also the option of footnotes for grammatical explanation. What do you think? Thank you!