Chinese-English word components dictionary


Beginner Chinese learner here, so I am still struggling to memorize Chinese characters.

Therefore I created a dictionary that breaks characters down into components and radicals, to help me 'imagine' and memorize better. Similar to what CE Dict does.

Download the attached file.

How I did it:
- Take the Python `chin_dict` package which has decompositions of 20k+ Chinese characters
- Take a list of most commonly used Chinese characters: 7,800+ (can easily do for all 20k+ characters, just take a bit of time)
- Break the characters down and make an entry for every character and it's components (down to 214 Kangxi radicals)

How it looks

Weixin Image_20231226171354.jpg

Weixin Image_20231226171325.jpg

Any comments do let me know.


    1.4 MB · Views: 161
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That looks very nice! The breaking down of characters into components in your dictionary was probably done by hand, thanks for all the effort. Just to mention one point, I know that Mike has access to a quite extensive character components database which he uses in the CHARS tab of the dictionary. Perhaps the data could be combined in your dictionary somehow.

The 2 MB limit is probably active because we used too much costly bandwidth for the Tatoeba lists. (10,000+ downloads of many 10MB files) I totally understand that. But we could ask Mike to be certain. :)

I'll try and see if the conversion of your user dictionary into Pleco 4.0 format works as desired (just by importing it into the beta).

Edit: The Github link seems to be broken. (file size 9 bytes)

Cheers, Shun
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Hi catusf,

Wow, congratulations, I'll love to have a look at the source. Could it be that you set your Github repository "make_pleco_dicts" to Private without intending to? The link says "Not found", and the main page

gives me a 404 message.

Cheers, Shun
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Hi Shun
Sorry, I know why it did not work now: The repo was private, as it was a messy code repo.

Now I made it public. It should work fine now.

Anyway, I attached the .txt file here, and it works.


Hi catusf,

No problem. I see Pleco 4.0 Beta 13 imports your dictionary well:


Just all vertical and horizontal whitespace is missing, which Mike wrote he would add back once all dictionary data files have been cleaned up.

Wish you a good night,



Staff member
This looks great!

The 2MB limit is a server configuration thing - it's on our to-do list the next time we do a server reconfigure / upgrade.


Hi! This looks exactly as what I was searching for! How do you import it? I extracted the zip file and wanted to add in in dictionaries on my ios device, but it fails…


Hi Danii,

Before @catusf answers: There is one additional step. You create a new user dictionary in Pleco's Manage Dictionaries screen and then import the unzipped text file into it. It looks better with Pleco 3.2 (Legacy) right now than with the 4.0 beta.

