Right, I'm happy now. My Treo is back to normal
D), and I've installed P2B7(b).
Couple of niggling problems with the document reader are still there which I've reported before: Scrolling to the bottom doesn't stop the percentage from increasing a little more and meaning it will scroll up less than a full screen.
Also, while I truly love the file listing, it would be nice if it could at least sort the files by name (ignoring directory), as it can be kinda hard to find a file in a long list.
Problem can be partially solved by removing all text files from searched paths and then setting it to search the single directory you want.
There's also some weird text that shows up where the filename should when viewing something from the clipboard. Not sure what triggers it... Best suggestion would be to copy/paste something long, and see if that does it. Maybe more than 8 characters?
Anyway, the Blazer-crashing problem has now gone away, which is good to see
EDIT: daniu, I think there's a preference somewhere for that? Not sure, but I do believe someone else has requested the ability to have it not be full-screen.