Backfilling new field for existing Pleco->Anki flashcards



I'm a long-time Pleco user and for the last year have been happily using the Pleco -> AnkiDroid integration. When I configured the integration, I exported the following fields to Anki via the "Flashcards -> Anki Models" settings:
  • Traditional Headword
  • Mandarin Pronunciation
  • Definition
Recently, I decided to also study simplified characters, so I added a new field to my Anki note type and configured the field integration in Pleco to export the Simplified Headword. This is working great and all new cards I create have both the Traditional and Simplified Headwords as I had hoped.

My problem is that all the cards I've already created (~1500) don't have the simplified headwords. Is there any way for me to use Pleco to backfill the new field to all the old cards?



Staff member
Not something we support at the moment, no - IIRC there are a few Chinese extensions for Anki on desktop that can do this sort of thing.