Anki integration: hieroglyph colors in cards


Is coloring for hieroglyphs in (Pleco-from-Anki) cards possible?
When creating a new card, only pinyins keep their colors from Pleco, meanwhile I have settings for both pinyins and hieroglyphs to have colors in Pleco. (In Anki sides with hieroglyphs don't have any code for coloring unlike sides with pinyin)
I've been trying to make learning Chinese as easy as possible. Usually, after adding new hieroglyphs in Anki, I write them one line per each word in different colors correlating with pinyin colors in Pleco settings. This makes me remember the color (thus the tone of the word) very well, however the cons is that a HUGEEEE amount of time is consumed....
Can you please add code for coloring the hieroglyphs when adding a new card from Pleco? I would appreciate this very much!

I've been using the Pleco-Anki integration for a while now and i LOVE it!!!
Thank you so much! Cannot describe how grateful I am.... You made my life so much easier.
(sorry for poor wording)


Staff member

Is your model set up to put the headword in the first field? We don't apply tone colors or other formatting to text in the first card field because we need it to be clean plain text for duplicate checking; otherwise, we have no way to see that a word is already in your AnkiDroid database.

So if you'd like to get tone coloring there without using some other custom model template or whatever to add it, the best bet would probably be to reconfigure your model to add a third "Formatted Front" field, configure Pleco to put the headword in that (with the 'format as Pleco header' option turned on), and then configure your model template to display that instead of "Front" when it exists. (see 'conditional replacement' here)