mikeo said:1) I still miss the Palm version's ability to mix character-drawing and pinyin on lookup input. Having to the HWR and KEY buttons to go back and forth on iphone has always felt a little painful. Especially for 4 or 6 character phrases. Certainly there's a screen real estate problem on iphone (not ipad), and you'd have to draw in a cramped space, but for me this tradeoff would be well worth it.
My thinking on that has long been that we'd eventually get around to adding some sort of keyboard-y background to the HWR box; show all of the letters in the lower half of the box when the box is empty, tap on one of them to enter it, begin drawing a stroke to hide the letters and proceed with handwriting input - how would that work for you?
mikeo said:2) Would like to see the various "Reader" options integrated. Instead of choosing these at the beginning (Optical Char Recognizer; Document File Reader; Web Reader; Lyrics Reader; PasteBoard Reader), I'm imagining a single Reader, with multiple possible sources, analogous to running your browser, then selecting file or URL content sources, so once in Reader (which opens optionally with your last loaded source), you can select (File - document or Lyrics; Pasteboard; URL). And if Document is an image file you can OCR it from there.
That one I'm not so sure about... it'd be a convenience boost for heavy users but it would confuse the heck out of new ones, especially given Apple's efforts to downplay the whole file/folder concept in general on iOS.
mikeo said:3) Would love to see the Pasteboard/Live modes in Web Reader disappear. It would be much nicer to have them both available all the time, one with tap and one with tap-hold. I imagine IOS 4.3 could perhaps have some improvements in chinese handling to make this easier.
Impossible at the moment given the way WebKit handles text selection in linked text, but hopefully they'll be making improvements in this area soon.
mikeo said:4) Again related to screen real estate: on iphone, you have this terrible situation with web reading, where most pages are too small to be legible without blowing up the font, but if you blow up the font you have lots of scrolling to do. THe solution is to process the page to be like a document page - newlines removed, and font sizeable. You can do this now through selecting text, copying to pasteboard, making a file, and loading it into reader. But that's 3 or more steps that could all be done automatically.
Do the mobilizers linked from our iPhone web browser home page do a good job with this sort of reprocessing for you? We've been thinking about integrating them into our software more closely.
mikeo said:5) Another screen real estate issue that's been suggested elsewhere on the forum: auto-hide all the navigation and menu bars when in Reader mode, and redraw them on a tap anywhere on screen. All the pixels are precious reading space.
Lately I've been feeling more inclined to go with Apple's approach on this - have just one toolbar but keep it visible all the time - though the Kindle approach is worth considering too; again, though, a small convenience / ergonomics boost for heavy users may not be enough to offset the intimidating aspects of this for everyone else.
mikeo said:6) (sneaking in a feature request) Night mode is a great help in reducing eyestrain and increasing readability. Instapaper has a setting using (sensor or clock - not sure) to go into Night mode and out automatically. Saves repeated trips to Settings.
Probably the clock... good idea.
mikeo said:7) This is more of a question. In reader, I'm often tapping on words I pretty much know, have already made a flashcard for but at that reading moment am not absolutely positive of. Each time I tap on those words I'd like Pleco to note that fact on the flashcard, and perhaps increase the "staleness" score of the word so I can pop them up during my next flashcard review. If it does that now, great; if not, it would be a desirable small addition.
A "times added" statistic of some kind has been on our to-do list for a while now, we just have to come up with the right formulas to make use of it in our score algorithm.
jiacheng said:When doing a tap-hold on the add button that lets you change the multi-level category, you are not asked for any confirmation when you select the category. It's easy to pick the wrong category when trying to expand to a deeper level with the arrow buttons. Once you do that, it's a big hassle to to manually edit the card categories to fix it. It would be a big help if there were some kind of screen that would let you confirm your selection.
How about if we just added an "undo" command for flashcard add operations? We've had a lot of requests for that and it seems much less annoying in this scenario than a confirmation prompt.