2.0 Status Update


Staff member
vrixon - appreciate your thoughts on this. I've thought about how this affects institutional buyers (sadly still a pretty small portion of our customer base), but it seems to me that any company buying the new version would want to wait until it was finished rather than purchase it while it's still in beta. So the first beta release of 2.0 will give you at least a month or two of advance notice about the release of the finished version.

So re your July deadline, there's no way that first beta will be out in March, so if it comes out in April (just speculating, it'll likely be at least a little later than that) the finished version wouldn't be ready until June, which means that waiting until July isn't really going to lose you much.

And we're certainly not pulling a Windows Vista here; taking a quick look at the 2.0 features page, two of the "Completely New" features are already in, the other two are both nearly done (and very easy programming-wise, so not a serious risk of getting dropped), 6 of the 8 "Search" features are implemented in the engine though we're still working on interfaces for a few of them (one of the remaining two, "More flexible result list" will likely be punted to a later release, though), the new database system is in and already working with custom dictionaries, all of the new flashcard features listed are at least well on their way to being done and none seem likely to be dropped, and the Pocket PC version is lagging a bit behind the Palm one but the only one of the three features listed under that that's at any serious risk of getting dropped is the new installer (which again would get punted to a later version). There's still quite a bit of work left, of course, but when the software is done it really should be just about everything I've been saying it will be.

Mads - thanks! That's my basic thinking, yeah. Though I'm sure vrixon has a good reason for wanting to wait until 2.0 is finished, perhaps to get a better deal on the new dictionaries or because of some sort of corporate policy issue involving upgrades.

Aunty - appreciate the vote of confidence. But yes, several of the things that seem to vex people most about 1.0 are the way they are because we were hurrying to finish it (though in that case it was partly because of licensing-related pressure which we're not really under as much this time) - flashcard import/export really should have been scrapped / heavily overhauled, the Rank system needed some refining as did the custom dictionary interface, and a couple more months on the Pocket PC version would have taken care of most of the font- and installation-related issues on that. I know there's no chance of getting everything right in 2.0, but hopefully there won't be quite as many annoyances as there are now.

lmcjipo - thanks! Much of what I wrote above applies to this too, but just to clarify, you don't have to pay for 2.0, you only have to pay for the new audio / stroke order features. I imagine that was what you meant by paying to upgrade, but just wanted to make sure. $30 (or $20 if bought along with the new dictionaries) isn't an insignificant amount of money, but it's a long way from making you buy the software again, and the vast majority of the new features (like the seriously awesome flashcard system) will be completely free for anyone who bought 1.0.


chinese-chinese dictionary in 1.03

hi mike,

would it be possible to license the new chinese-chinese dictionary that's to be added to 2.0 for 1.03? you could get some incremental revenue in the meantime before 2.0, the licensee gets some royalties, and your users get some more functionality.

i ask because i was fairly successful adding chinese-chinese words and definitions to the USR dictionary, so perhaps it's not a sea change for 1.03 to handle it.



Aw-www! I just came galloping out of the woods to hear the new news on version 2...

But yeah, if there's a modicum chance that it'll be autumn or winter before you release v 2.0, Mike, I'd also be happy to fork out in advance for that Chinese dictionary. Of course, if it's too much work, or you reckon your head will explode trying to work out upgrade fee rules, I'm sure noone would blame you....much hehe


Staff member
Autumn / winter is not an option, don't worry - not only do we really really need to have at least a beta version out by midsummer in order to take advantage of the people-walking-into-their-BLCU-summer-class-and-showing-off-their-new-dictionary phenomenon (a wonderful marketing tool for us), but I have a long-awaited vacation (my first significant time off since 2005) planned for mid-October and there's no way I'm going off on that with 2.0 still unfinished. "A few months" as I've been saying it lately actually does mean a few months. More urgently, one of our new licenses expires if we don't release a product with it after a year (from the license being signed, which happened in late '06), adding some extra weight to the need to get a beta out soon.

It's certainly theoretically possible to release a C-C dictionary with the current software, but we'd rather not, since we're shoring up the encryption significantly in the new version (taking advantage of the new ARM-accelerated database code) and we'd really like the C-C to have that extra protection given its higher-than-usual value as a potential piracy target.


Expendable PDA - Let's go alpha!

I've replaced my old PDA (a Treo 600) with an iPAQ (yes, groan/hiss I bought a M$ OS).

But this means I have a functioning Treo 600 that is completely expendable to use in Alpha/Beta testing the new version if you need any more testers along the way.



Staff member
OK, thanks. Though our plan continues to be to make the first beta release available to all of our customers; there are simply way too many people interested in testing for us to have a restricted test. And honestly until we reach a point where the software could be publicly released there's really not much point to bringing in outside testers, we're still finding bugs a lot faster than we're fixing them at the moment.


I've just recently bought Plecodict, and the number one feature I'm interested in for v2 is the Chinese-Chinese dictionary. If you had a Chinese-Chinese dictionary for v1, I would buy it today. If I promise I'm not going to pirate it would it make a difference? :D


Staff member
It's not actually about people pirating it to use with PlecoDict, it's about people attempting to decrypt / extract the text from the dictionary database file and use it with something else; the encryption in 1.0 is pretty good but wouldn't hold up to a sustained brute-force decryption effort as well as the new encryption we're using in 2.0. Basically we want to make it at least as hard to extract the text from our software as it would be to buy the printed dictionary and scan / OCR / edit it.


Well then, if I promise not to do that can I have a copy? :D

Maybe I'll just have to play around with the MakePlecoDict program, and see if I can get something suitable working in the meantime.


Staff member
That should be a good substitute, yes - MakePlecoDict really isn't as buggy as we make it out to be (it's almost the exact same program we use to generate dictionary databases ourselves), it's just very picky about its input formats, but as long as the file is formatted correctly (see the included example file for details) and none of the headwords are too long it should produce a perfectly usable database.


Yes, I've currently got it working pretty well with one of the large Ch-Ch dictionaries distributed by the Stardict project (after a bit of processing on the Startdict dictionary, to get it to the MakePlecoDict format). One thing I've noticed though is that MakePlecoDict seems to disregard the characters for many of the Chinese punctuation marks (although I'm not sure if it's MakePlecoDict that disregards them, or the actual PlecoDict program). I've replaced the worst offenders with their ASCII equivalent though, and I guess it'll be a reasonable substitute until 2.


Staff member
Most likely a PlecoDict issue, we were a bit stingy with punctuation when we were laying out the font files and there are some common marks we probably should have included.


Also interesting, is that for some words with rare characters sometimes the rare character won't display, even though the ABC entry for the same word will show the character correctly. For example, with the word:

等 qíngděng <方> ①坐等(责备、惩罚)。 ②坐享(现成的)。

In Pleco, this entry will be displayed as: for my custom dictionary, but correctly as 等 under the ABC dictionary. The character is also missing from the radical lookup/HWR.


Staff member
Yes, that's because our font files only cover the basic CJK Unified set completely; we use special custom codes for the Extension A / B sets in order to avoid making the font files needlessly large. And we didn't have those sets included in the handwriting recognizer database because it tends to be less accurate the more characters it's covering.


Since nobody else has mentioned it yet, I'll be the first to say the 2.0 screenshots look great! I can't wait for the new flashcard UI -- I spend much more time than I'd like shuffling cards around between lists right now (which means searching through all 500 cards in list 1 for the one I want to move to list 2) and being able to just tweak the categories instead will be fabulous.

Keeping my fingers crossed hoping I can take it with me to my summer class in China in mid-July...


Staff member
Thanks! (though it has been discussed a bit in Future Products, actually) No comment on the mid-July possibility... :)


Pictures Pocket PC/ Windows Mobile version

Hi mikelove,

Are there any Windows Mobile/Pocket PC version pics? Do they look pretty similar to the palm version?


Staff member
No Windows Mobile screenshots yet, I'm afraid - we actually haven't done much work on the top-level UI for the Windows Mobile version, mainly because we're still getting the lower-level stuff (new font system and the new custom controls that use it) working correctly. But because of those new custom controls, it should if anything look even more like the Palm version than it does now - virtually identical, in fact, there won't even be a gray background on the toolbar anymore since we're using our own custom controls for that too.


It's not that important, but if there is the option I vote for keeping a non-white background for the PPC toolbar. It visually separates the menu from the dictionary entry.