3.0.0 Bug Report / Feedback Thread

You are very diplomatic with your responses!

The other thing I was talking about is also in the first screenshot. There were two ordering issues: the gu/jia pronunciation ordering, and within the jia definitions the "main" jia definition is not at the top. The "词的后缀..." definition of 家 appears above the "本人和共同生活..." definition, although in the dictionary popups the order is correct. I have added a confusing arrow to my picture to show the two entries I think should be swapped in the results list.
photo 1.PNG


Staff member
Ah, I understand now - I believe that relates to our default sort order putting neutral tone before first tone rather than to any sort of frequency sorting.


In the reader, with paginate turned off, changing orientation on iPhone will reset the text position to the beginning of the document.


Hey mike,

Previously, when doing flashcard testing, it was possible to turn up and down the volume for the character recordings at will. Since the update, it's only possible to do it during the (very short time) when the recording is actually being played. Not an enormous problem, but it does make it inconvenient if you quickly want to bump up or down the volume.

Possible to restore this to how it was previously?

Hello Mike,

Much enjoying the new update. I do miss the simplified/traditional character button as I spend a lot of time in Japan, so I am constantly checking the corresponding simplified/traditional version of characters to see if they are characters I know.

I am very glad you decided to add the fonts, I cannot wait until we have some additional features designed around them to help learn the differences/proper way to write them. I'm thinking of the xing font and handwriting here as handwriting is still commonly used in China ;). For example, display a character in Kai or Song and then have a user write the song semi-cursive version of it.

Also, I came across the following crash:

Copied text from an IM
Opened Pleco through the task switcher
The clipboard reader didn't open
Tried to paste the text into the search box (build in handwriting recognizer opened below the search field)
No option to paste when doing a double tap
Press and hold and the magnifier pops up but no option to paste
Manually open the clipboard reader: Sidebar > Open Document > Clipboard Reader
Previously copied text is automatically opened
After a few seconds Pleco crashes and closes automatically
Unable to reproduce the crashing​




Hi Mike, thanks for this beautiful (and long awaited) update.

Up to now, noticed 2 bugs:
- audio output not working on device speaker, but works perfectly with Jack output
- Pleco crash when trying to compact database

As I'm using a user dict, is there any change (or improvement) in the import format ?

Device is iPod Touch 5th gen. running iOS 7.0.3


Congratulations on the update! I am enjoying the reader in particular but would like to make a couple of further requests:

1. I would like to echo the comments of other users who would prefer to see a "browse" pane to the left of the definition pane on startup, as in previous iterations of the software. I feel that the real meaning of Pleco is its ability to allow the user to quickly see connections between relevant words, perhaps even just for fun, via an interface offering many connection-type options, while its ability to produce a reliable result to a search query is merely incidental. From that perspective, the Dict/Chars/Words/Sents interface is BRILLIANT.

2. I would also appreciate being able to further slow the minimum TTS speed.

In an ideal world I would like to be able to use the software to browse and learn 成语 and other 俗语, whether by being able to query for all entries of length n characters, or at minimum, by way of alphabetized pinyin browsing of the fantastic new 多功能成语词典 (as was possible in the previous version). In an idealer world I would love to see Japanese and Korean (or even Vietnamese) integrated along with Cantonese, such that the software becomes a tool for seeing connections between 汉字 as much as it is currently a tool for learning a particular dialect, though I have no illusion that the level of interest in something like that would merit the effort...

Thanks again for all the hard work!
iCloud search history integration

Has anyone got this working? I've got an iPad (iOS7) and an iPhone (iOS6) both with Pleco installed. Both have the setting enabled to save the search history in the cloud.

I'm pretty sure both devices are configured correctly (I use Week Cal which saves settings in iCloud and that works perfectly), but Pleco doesn't seem to be creating a document in the cloud (one can check this on iOS7 devices) and when I click on "history" within Pleco only the local history is shown with the text "Current Device - Dict Entry History" displayed at the top.

What am I doing wrong? Is it meant to work?


Adrian (long-time Pleco user, part time Mandarin learner, newbie forum member)
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Hey Adrian,

Do you see a cloud on the lower left hand corner of the screen in "history"? Tap on that to see what you have in the cloud.


Please explain how the function changes as the plus sign morphs. Sometimes it is normal, then it may have solid box or may be a dotted box. Sometimes it saves to my flashcards or not. I cannot determine the pattern.



See this flashcard created for the word "爱不释手". The definition is from Guifan, but it seems to be corrupted. This is first card I've created using the new version. Not sure if this problem is happening with other dictionaries.


  • image.jpg
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Not a big deal, but when I copy a text file to Dropbox and try and open it (iPhone 4, iOS 6.1.3), I get the prompt below. I saved the file with a .txt suffix using Text Wrangler, UTF-8, 16 and GB-18030. Are there any specifics to saving text files to be imported via Dropbox?


  • Screen Shot 2013-11-07 at 9.28.30 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-11-07 at 9.28.30 AM.png
    135 KB · Views: 476


Still exploring 3.0 on my iPhone and discovered what seems to be a limitation of the new version. When looking under the "Words" tab in the dictionary there seems to be only a single list of "Words Containing" the character, with no way to separate out words that begin with the character from words that otherwise contain the character. This was possible in the earlier version, and made looking though a long list somewhat easier in some cases. Is this no longer possible? Is there any way to constrain the size of the list? With many dictionaries installed the list of words for more common characters is very long, and looking through it would take quite a long time. The words also are not in pinyin alphabetical order, which makes looking for a word difficult. Are there any options that address this!
Still exploring 3.0 on my iPhone and discovered what seems to be a limitation of the new version. When looking under the "Words" tab in the dictionary there seems to be only a single list of "Words Containing" the character, with no way to separate out words that begin with the character from words that otherwise contain the character. This was possible in the earlier version, and made looking though a long list somewhat easier in some cases. Is this no longer possible? Is there any way to constrain the size of the list? With many dictionaries installed the list of words for more common characters is very long, and looking through it would take quite a long time. The words also are not in pinyin alphabetical order, which makes looking for a word difficult. Are there any options that address this!

In settings > definition screen: Other tabs - Separate words starting/containing - Toggle On

You have to scroll to get to containing. A tap to get to this would help.


What document type? iOS 6 or 7?
I'm running iOS 7.0.3. When reading a document -- directly from a text file or extracted from a website -- and with the paginate option turned off, switching orientation causes the position to jump to the top of the document. This happens both with and without characters highlighted; if characters are highlighted, the definition popup box stays on the screen, but the position is still reset to the top of the document.


Staff member
foxyj88 - that relates to a power-saving move (no longer leaving audio continuously active when you're not listening to anything) so it would be tricky to reverse, but you should be able to adjust that volume with the slider in the iOS 7 control center (swipe up from the bottom of the screen).

hairyleprechaun - thanks! Lots more we can / will do with fonts, certainly. Could you send me a log from that crash? See instructions for obtaining crash logs here.

jgal.66 - any chance the volume might be turned down? With the crash, are you using iCloud sync? User dict import format didn't change yet, but we do now support full-text indexing in user dictionaries (helpful for reverse searches) - enable that in Manage Dictionaries.

Clive - thanks! Browse is now a separate screen - tap-hold on any search result or on the dictionary icon above a particular definition and you'll see an option for it. Certainly a useful function but we felt it was confusing to put it on the same screen as dictionary searching. Slower minimum TTS is an engineering problem but we're trying to come up with a way - might involve simply lengthening the pauses between words without drawing out the words themselves any more.

AdrianLondon - this one's done through key-value rather than document sync (easier and more reliable); tap on the cloud icon at the bottom left corner of the history screen.

denmitch - solid box = added to flashcards and in your current default category, dotted box = added but not in your current default category.

gato - ah, that's an amusing little bug - seems like our filter to remove instances of the headword from flashcards is a bit over-zealous; card is fine, but it's ~-replacing all of the characters from the headword.

dapangjiaozi - Pleco wouldn't know about that text encoding selection unless you saved the file in Pleco; does the prompt go away after you open the file for the first time? If you save with a UTF-8 or UTF-16 BOM header (check your text editor's save screen) then Pleco will auto-detect that and open in that format the first time without a prompt. Collapsible headers in both Words and Chars should be forthcoming.

psucom - hmm, yeah, thought we'd fixed this bug a few betas ago - thanks.


Staff member
That suggests that it hasn't actually synced yet - neither device is seeing the history from the other. Try this: on each device, reboot, plug in, make sure you're on WiFi, open Pleco, and exit - that should force the history to re-sync.
Thanks Mike. I've tried that (and just tried again with hard reboots) but still nothing. If I check (iOS7) under Settings / iCloud / Storage & Backup / Manage Storage it doesn't show anything for Pleco, but it's definitely enabled (in both Pleco and Settings / iCloud / Documents & Data / Plec0). It's obviously meant to work so the problem has to be my end.

As an IT consultant who's already tried the obvious (reboot everything, toggle the settings off and on again) the next step is to delete and re-install Pleco. I'll let you know!

Edit: Ouch, that was confusing. At first it did show a cloud icon, but the three entries were "current device", "all devices" and then "<device-name>" - which is the name of my current device! I clicked "clear" on that (it had all the searches prior to me deleting the app, whereas the current device list was empty) and now the cloud icon's gone again. At no point did it see the iPhone device name.

Confusing because ... I had to spend a while re-registering as it says it's not purchased via iTunes/AppleID but as a Palm migration. Which is correct, but I think that this could be the issue. Without a valid iTunes entry it can't access iCloud? Could that be possible?
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