Ways to Limit Flashcards per Session


I recently got back into my Pleco flashcards and to review, I removed my usual date filters as well as score filters. (I use spaced repetition)

Problem is, when I start a session, I'm slammed with almost 800 flashcards! Many have very high scores, but I'd still like to review them so I don't want to enable the score filter again.

Any simple way to say, hey, just give me 30 cards per session? The "Limit # unlearned" doesn't really help here. Thanks for any advice.


Staff member
Raesu said:
Any simple way to say, hey, just give me 30 cards per session? The "Limit # unlearned" doesn't really help here. Thanks for any advice.

Not with repetition spacing, but there's no reason why you have to finish the session - if you simply exit it when you've had enough, it'll record the fact that you just reviewed the cards that you just reviewed and won't show you them again until they're due for another test.


You are off the charts for customer service ;)

Another question...part of why I'm reviewing everything again is because I now have all my flashcards being "forced" to GuiFan 詞典, and it takes a little relearning with older words I was so used to describing with English. (Display->Remap cards to dicts = yes, Dicts order is from top, Guifan, LMACD, ABC, Pleco...etc and it goes down from there (I own all of them ;))

It works fantastic, but sometimes a card comes up with English definition, and once I reveal it, I tap the characters and there is either a GF or LMACD Chinese entry for it...why would some words not be forced into the GF of LMACD dictionaries but just to go the ABC dictionary? Any ideas? I have run into this a dozen times perhaps today, one example is 掙。(it has an LMA entry, but gave me ABC on the flashcard).

Most of my flashcards are likely originally ABC entries btw. Any help appreciated if you understand this "bug".


Staff member
Raesu said:
It works fantastic, but sometimes a card comes up with English definition, and once I reveal it, I tap the characters and there is either a GF or LMACD Chinese entry for it...why would some words not be forced into the GF of LMACD dictionaries but just to go the ABC dictionary? Any ideas? I have run into this a dozen times perhaps today, one example is 掙。(it has an LMA entry, but gave me ABC on the flashcard).

The entries might not match up perfectly, especially with the traditional-only LMACD - we've got a fix for that in LMACD coming in our big update (which will add the ability for a traditional-only dictionary to still match up with our standard simplified + traditional cards). GF I'm less sure about, but there are a couple of places where the traditional characters in ABC don't match up with those in some other dictionaries, so it's possible that your originally-ABC-based card might not come up with an exact match in GF for that reason.


Hi Mike,

Thanks for follow-up...i'm seeing the problem more frequently now and I think there could be some setting that is throwing it off. I love having my cards remapped to show the GF then LMA entries while testing, but very annoying when sometimes it randomly does not show these dictionaries.

A couple more for instance:

both have exact GF entries (I highlight the word and the GF pops up), but the flashcard shows the ABC or CC whatever entry SOMETIMES. Very bizarre. I don't think its a character matching issue. any other ideas?


Staff member
Raesu said:
both have exact GF entries (I highlight the word and the GF pops up), but the flashcard shows the ABC or CC whatever entry SOMETIMES. Very bizarre. I don't think its a character matching issue. any other ideas?

I suppose it could be that LMA's traditional-character-only-ness is mucking things up so badly that it's keeping it from even getting to GF - does it work reliably if you disable LMA and only remap to GF?


I moved LMACD to inactive dictionaries in the flashcard settings...and all worked well for that round. However, I added it again and it was still all correct so I can't reliably reproduce the issue. Very odd when it comes up I'll try and figure out more as to when exactly it happens.