Update on improved statistics


Staff member
Still in the works, we got bogged down in Android-related updates for much of 2014 (first porting our big 3.0 update to Android and then updating everything again for Lollipop) - really, really hard to find good Android developers to offload that work onto - and we focused the limited time we had for flashcard improvements on a couple of super-popular feature requests (Cantonese and repeating incorrect cards during tests being the two biggest ones).

The current roadmap has us first releasing our 3.3 update with mostly dictionary-related changes (e.g. our massive update to the PLC dictionary with parts of speech) and relatively few flashcard ones, then a 3.4 update later in the year focused primarily on flashcards and revamping a lot of these long-neglected areas like statistics.


Wow, i'm also looking forward to these changes. I've also wanted more detailed stats, in particular the number of individual characters known (though i know i can only recognize many characters when they're used in a word, not on their own). The update to the PLC dictionary will be great, too.