20130331 MoEDict
- Follow notes "20130327 MoEDict" up to creation of combined table, but add idx to this:
create table combined as
select definitions.id, definitions.idx, entries.title, heteronyms.pinyin,
definitions.type, definitions.def, definitions.example, definitions.quote,
definitions.synonyms, definitions.antonyms, definitions.link
from definitions, heteronyms, entries
where definitions.heteronym_id = heteronyms.id and heteronyms.entry_id = entries.id;
- Combine definition fields into single field.
Firstly replace null entries to empty strings '' for combining/counting later
(otherwise can causes problems with null results,
especially when using type for counting number of definitions),
and at same time add label for synonyms and antonyms:
update combined set
type = case when coalesce(type, '') = '' then '' else type end;
update combined set
def = case when coalesce(def, '') = '' then '' else def end;
update combined set
example = case when coalesce(example, '') = '' then '' else example end;
update combined set
quote = case when coalesce(quote, '') = '' then '' else quote end;
update combined set
synonyms = case when coalesce(synonyms, '') = '' then '' else '同義詞:'||synonyms end;
update combined set
antonyms = case when coalesce(synonyms, '') = '' then '' else '反義詞:'||antonyms end;
update combined set
link = case when coalesce(link, '') = '' then '' else link end;
Then combine into single field newdef:
alter table combined add column newdef;
update combined set newdef = '';
update combined set newdef = case when coalesce(def, '') = ''
then newdef else def end;
update combined set newdef = (case when coalesce(example, '') = ''
then newdef else (case when coalesce(newdef, '') = ''
then example else newdef||''||example end) end);
update combined set newdef = (case when coalesce(quote, '') = ''
then newdef else (case when coalesce(newdef, '') = ''
then quote else newdef||''||quote end) end);
update combined set newdef = (case when coalesce(synonyms, '') = ''
then newdef else (case when coalesce(newdef, '') = ''
then synonyms else newdef||''||synonyms end) end);
update combined set newdef = (case when coalesce(antonyms, '') = ''
then newdef else (case when coalesce(newdef, '') = ''
then antonyms else newdef||''||antonyms end) end);
update combined set newdef = (case when coalesce(link, '') = ''
then newdef else (case when coalesce(newdef, '') = ''
then link else newdef||''||link end) end);
Add numbering to combined definitions:
order by idx then count up to current id.
Create new table with defid (definition id for unique title/Hanzi, pinyin, part of speech/type) and defcount (total number of definitions for unique title/Hanzi, pinyin, part of speech/type) columns:
create table combined2 as
select id, title, pinyin, idx, type, newdef,
(select count(*) from combined c2 where c1.title=c2.title and c1.pinyin=c2.pinyin and c1.type=c2.type and c2.id<=c1.id) as defid, (select count(*) from combined c2 where c1.title=c2.title and c1.pinyin=c2.pinyin and c1.type=c2.type) as defcount
from combined c1;
Add numbering (only if more than one definition in unique title, pinyin, type):
update combined2 set newdef =
(case when defcount<=1 then newdef
else '(@'||defid||'@) '||newdef end);
Replace with circled numbers:
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@1@)','①');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@2@)','②');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@3@)','③');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@4@)','④');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@5@)','⑤');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@6@)','⑥');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@7@)','⑦');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@8@)','⑧');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@9@)','⑨');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@10@)','⑩');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@11@)','⑪');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@12@)','⑫');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@13@)','⑬');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@14@)','⑭');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@15@)','⑮');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@16@)','⑯');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@17@)','⑰');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@18@)','⑱');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@19@)','⑲');
update combined2 set newdef = replace(newdef, '(@20@)','⑳');
(U+2460 to U+2473)
Note: max(defcount) suggests only need to go up to 19.
Group by part of speech (title, pinyin, type):
create table combined3 as
select title, pinyin, idx, type, defcount,
group_concat(newdef, '') as newdef3
from (select title, pinyin, idx, type, defcount, newdef
from combined2
order by title, pinyin, defid)
group by title, pinyin, type;
Add part of speech (type), bullets and new lines as appropriate:
update combined3 set newdef3 =
(case when coalesce(type, '') = ''
then '◆ '||newdef3 else
(case when defcount>1
then '◆ <'||type||'> '||newdef3
else '◆ <'||type||'> '||newdef3 end) end);
Group by Hanzi/Pinyin (title, pinyin):
create table combined4 as
select title, pinyin, group_concat(newdef3, '') as newdef4
from (select title, pinyin, idx, type, newdef3
from combined3
order by title, pinyin, idx)
group by title, pinyin;
Note: Counts: combined2 (unique title, pinyin, type, def) = 213486;
combined3 (unique title, pinyin, type) = 171378;
combined4 (unique title, pinyin) = 165810.
Output combined4 as Pleco flashcards:
.mode tabs
.output MoEDict-cards03.txt
select * from combined4;