the ipad interface...

I always used pleco on the iphone, and just recently started using it on the ipad.
Strange enough, the ipad interface is more confusing - notwithstanding the largest screen!

I just bought the stroke-order addon:
on the iphone, when I click on a char I have 5 icons on top, representing:
1. >
2. lens
3. + (add flashcard)
4. a 3d-box to enlarge the char fullscreen
5. the zi4 character - giving me: Details / STROKES / Chars / Words

on the ipad, with all that screen estate, I have:
2. CHARS (with radical/Components/Compounds)
3. Words (with words beginning / containing)
4. Sents
while at the bottom I have 9 icons, none of which is the zi4 character)

WHERE is the stroke order?

thanks for any help...


Staff member
It sounds like you're using a very outdated version of our iPhone app and a slightly outdated version of our iPad app (or that you're missing the stroke order database on it).

Go into "Add-ons" on your iPad, tap "Restore iTunes Purchases" to make sure stroke order is activated on it, then go into "Purchased but not downloaded" and download stroke order if you haven't already. If that still doesn't get STROKE to appear, open up App Store, go to the Updates tab, and update to the latest version of Pleco.
thank you for the very quick help Mike!
Now: pleco on the ipad I had it already updated at the last (just rechecked).
The itunes restore did the trick - I saw now the strokes, great work!!!