The Flashcard Thread



Importing flashcards

First, I want to say how much I LOVE Plecodict. I bought a Palm in February just so I'd be ready for the Pleco's release. I finally have it and its great. I love the flashcards.

Now, my question. I found on this site some flashcard sets to download. I have done that and unzipped them. I synched my Palm and while I can see the lists if I open DocstoGo, I cannot see them under the Manage Flashcards--Import Lists--GBxxx--PalmDocs.

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong.


Staff member
Where did you put them on your Palm? In internal memory or on a flash memory card? The lists on the website (and any other pdb-format ones) need to be in main memory to work.

If that's not the problem, try downloading the flashcard lists again - we posted a version of the lists earlier that caused some problems for a few people.


Anyone have more flashcard sets?

Dear Reader,

Does anyone have the Practical Chinese Reader Volume III vocabulary by chapter (I have downloaded the complete PCR III but I would prefer to have them by chapter).

Also, does anyone have flashcards for Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) Conversational Chinese 301 (Hanyu Huihua 301 Ju) and/or for BLCU's Speak Chinese (Shuo Hanyu)?
