T恤 impossible in Fill-in-the-blanks / Characters?


am I overseeing things or is the T character of T恤 impossible to draw and select in the flashcard fill-in-the-blanks / characters test?

There is a character looking similar (丅), but it gets rated wrong because it's a different character (the horizontal stroke is longer). The android Google Pinyin IME actually has the character included (T).

As of know I have to I have to change the card score everytime I get it "wrong". Maybe this is worth a quick fix?

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

Edit: Sorry for the typo in the title (I was typing this on my mobile phone). Apparently I can not make changes to the it anymore


Staff member

At the moment I'd suggest that you switch to the system text input method ("Use system IME" in Test Settings) if you want to be able to test on cards like this - we don't yet support alpha input in our handwriting recognizer on Android, though we are hoping to add it in the future.