SMS in Chinese

Although this is not a really a dictionary related question, I was wondering if anyone knows a solution for sending and recieving SMS in chinese.
I'm using a Treo 600 and it seems that this should be doable but after much web browsing I have found there is no known solution. Any info obtained I will post here and I would love to get some leads from you all too.


I've used done this using Palm T3 + Sony T616 + Cingular Svc

I think the above comment is correct. Once you have the CJKOS installed you can just use it to input characters and then send the SMS. I sent one to myself and it came out as garbage, but I recognized that it is correct garbage and the phone just didn't have the ability to receive Chinese messages.

I tried sending a message to a few friends in China and Cingular responded by SMS saying that they don't support Chinese SMS. If you or your friend has a phone that can interpret Chinese characters, the sent message should be readable. In my case, if I get a Chinese SMS message from another Chinese person in America, I'll use my PDA to suck it out of my phone.
a lead

I ran into a rather savy Palm guy in computer store the other day. He said it is possible for the Treo but you must have a special version of CJKOS for Treo. I haven't tried it yet though. But I am holding out hope that this is possible!


I got this reply from the HK palmone support

For SMS or Text messaging, once the CJKOS has been enabled, it maybe able to receive and send Chinese characters, however please note that the OS (operating System) of the unit is basically in English and the CJKOS application will serve as a translator so it may not be perfect in translating the messages.

Boy is that not very helpful . . .



I can now read and send Chinese SMS on the Tungsten W!

(two different programs)

This might also work on the Treo 600.

For writing, I am using version 2.4 of Csms ( You can download a Demo for free, you are just limited to 10 characters or less per sms.

For reading I am using the CsmsRead as posted above.

Josh, please write back to say if it works or not (I'm planning to buy a Treo in the distant future)

Boy, I wish Palmsource would make this easier . . . must be a pretty big market for this type of product.


The send and recieve SMS problem was solved when my Treo was exchanged for a newer model through warrenty repair. Actually all I need is CJKOS v.4.61(the latest version) and I'm good to go. I think the earlier problem was my device.
In light of your future plans to get a Treo: you will not regret it! Not only that but Mike has one and so we know that the new releases of Pleco probably get tested on it first!


Looks like Palm is working on making PDA's work better with the chinese language. As it is right now, you get a pretty good deal when buying a PDA here in china, at least from a student of chinese perspective. CJKOS, Penpower, and a dictionary that would set you back quite a few bucks if you bought your pda elsewhere, all comes with the the buy here.

They might have more cool stuff for us in the future :)