Send sentence to anki field


I'm able to add sentences to my "word" model but that requires me to first highlight the whole sentence, press copy, and then press anywhere to deselect and then select the actual word and hit the add flashcard button. Then I press and hold on that button to to bring up a screen where I can hit the edit button and then I can paste the sentence and hit save. At first I convinced myself that it was fine but it's actually very inconvenient! And I don't understand why we can't just send the sentence to a selected field if pressing and holding on one of the right arrow keys already instantly selects the whole sentence. I know there's the sentence card model but that doesn't do what I want, vocab cards with sentences, not sentence cards. If sentence was just added to my selected sentence field, I could literally just press 1 button instead and be done..This seems like a very basic and necessary feature for those using Anki to study so I hope this can be considered! Thank you !


Staff member
There should be a checkbox in your Anki model settings to 'include examples' in a definition field - we don't currently offer an option to dump them to a separate field because they're generally tied to specific senses of a word that they're illustrating, though that's maybe something we could look into in the future.


Oh no that's not what I meant ! Not example sentences, but the sentence in which the word I'm making a flashcard for appears in!!
The sentence itself. That's the context info I always add to my cards


Staff member
Sorry, do you mean that you're adding it from an example sentence somewhere else in Pleco? Or you're pasting a sentence into the search box? Or reading it in the document reader?


No, I mean the sentence in which the word appears(whatever text is being scanned)..
Whether that be in the document reader or screen reader. Here's a screenshot


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Staff member
Understood now, thanks. We already have a 'sentence context collection' feature implemented for 4.0 on iOS, so it shouldn't be too difficult to link that with the AnkiDroid connector once we port 4.0 to Android.


Thank you! When is that expected for Android users?

Also will tag adding be changed in that version? I'd like a tag(s) to be added automatically. It was a little confusing doing it now to add the tag properly but when I found out how to, I find it inconvenient to need to press the plus button again. It would be nice to just have a set tag added with just the first push of the plus button!


Staff member
Not sure, we have to finish it on iOS first.

You can set default tags in settings - it should show you a list of the tags that you've created with a checkbox next to each.


But now with default tag the plus button is unable to be held to edit the card


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Regardless if there is a tag or not on the card, the dotted lines will ONLY appear if a default tag is selected in settings


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