Search for 'due/overdue' cards in Flashcards


Is there any way to search only for cards that are currently due or overdue to come up in the Flashcard pool?

I've got a rather large backlog built up as I've not been able to do the flashcard tests for the last 10 days or so. I want to do a batch operation to spread them out a bit (by randomly increasing the score). However, I only want to change the score for the cards that are actually due, as I still have a lot of cards which I have not yet seen (use limit unlearned) and I dont want the scores for these cards changed as well.

Thanks for any suggestions for how this can be achieved.



Staff member
No way to do a search for these at the moment, unfortunately. But you might consider randomly raising the scores of all cards instead (or all cards reviewed at least once, easy to get from Search Cards) - otherwise you're liable to start piling them up again if you don't cram to catch up.

Another option would be to go into Card Selection and lower the "points per day" setting temporarily - that'll stretch out your overdue cards but can easily be dialed back up to the default 100 once you catch up.


Changing the points-per-day is a good idea, as I can gradually adjust it to keep the queue length manageable.
Thank you for the suggestion!