Review Only test


Let's say I have a list of a few hundred words I want to learn and I've acquired or entered them as flash cards. My strategy would be:
  1. Break the list up so that each day I would focus on 20 new words.
  2. Start each day by using the Review Only test type and then progress to other test types (self-graded, multiple choice, etc.)
  3. As time goes by, test myself with the larger group of words.
Because I don't learn this stuff instantly, I need to go through each 20 word set a few times, and this is where my problem is. It seems that Pleco's flashcard system automatically goes onto the next set instead of repeating the current set, and hopefully randomizing the order. Is there an easy to do this?



Staff member
Set up a new profile for those re-reviews, one that's filtered to show cards (Card Filters / Time Filter) that you reviewed recently and doesn't affect the scores itself (Scoring / Scoring System = None).


Thanks, Mike. I took a simpler approach that avoids profiles and scoring:
  1. Import words into categories (e.g. 95 words in "Second Level", 117 words in "Third Level"). These categories are too big to study by themselves, so I ...
  2. Split the categories into manageable chunks (Organize Cards, press on the category, Split, 10 cards per sub-category)
  3. For each sub-category (Part 1, Part 2, ...)
    • Test Type: Review Only
    • Show: Chars + Pron + Defn (though I've used several combinations)
    • review the characters in each sub-category until comfortable
    • then do a self-graded test
  4. when that's done
    • combine the sub-categories
    • review the characters in the full category
    • do a full self-graded test with the following additional command settings:
      • repeat incorrect
      • loop repeat incorrect
This works very well for me, especially for initial vocabulary work. The only improvement I would like to make is if I could save the incorrect words in some meaningful way. But I suspect that is what the scoring and filtering systems are ultimately for.