Reading Chinese Characters on Pocket PC Word Mobile?


That made the reg edit work, but I coudnt get it to work (not sure I had the syntax right.

So I found, and that works fine.

Im using Touch pal and ZTA4 to try and see what is the best input program. Downloaded the demo for CE Star, But the buttons are so tiny when you try and enter (using a stylus even its pretty hard)


wǒ dìng le yī ge fángjiān.
"I have a room booked."

So I got this text on an email, it works but the pin yin sometimes shows Sqaures, Anyone know how to solve that ?

If I cut and paste into Word, change the font it will be OK.

Just wondering if there is an easier way.

Thanks !


Staff member
That's tricky because it essentially requires Windows Mobile to juggle three different fonts (Chinese / English / Pinyin-tone-mark-letters-that-aren't-included-in-English-fonts) - the font linking system in Windows Mobile is really only designed to support two. The best fix would probably be to purchase a third-party email client that does a better job of juggling multiple fonts (or at least of letting you customize which font it uses to display messages) - maybe someone here can recommend one that works well with Chinese, I'm not too up-to-date on that stuff lately actually.