Reader: default bookmark file location in Dropbox



I started using reader more frequently to read documents, which I keep in Dropbox -> Apps -> Pleco -> Documents. It looks like reader creates bookmark files in this directory too. I know this is nit-picky, but it'd be nice if the bookmark files were put in an "out of the way place" so they don't clutter up my document directory.


Staff member
That one's tricky given how things are currently structured; we could switch to a centralized bookmark database like we use on Android, but then we'd expect to get a lot of complaints about the fact that it was now difficult / impossible to share (or sync) bookmarks along with document files. Having them alongside the document files makes them very easy to share, something we plan to leverage further in the future as we add the ability to insert your own annotations / highlight particular sections along with the current ability to make bookmarks.


What about placing bookmark files in a "Bookmarks" folder either in Dropbox -> Apps -> Pleco, or Dropbox -> Apps -> Pleco -> Documents ? Wouldn't they still be sharable?


Staff member
I suppose we could put them in a separate "Bookmarks" subdirectory for every directory that we have documents in, but I'm not sure if it would actually make things that much better - you'd just have those cluttering up your file lists instead of our bookmark files.

We are looking at updating our Dropbox support to add the ability to read documents from anywhere in Dropbox, rather than just the Pleco folder, and we aren't allowed to write files to any arbitrary location in Dropbox, so we may end up migrating to a centralized bookmark database anyway for that reason. (we'd probably sync it over iCloud, though it's a little tricky because with annotations we could potentially get over the 1 MB limit for key-value storage and have to make it a database file instead)