Pros/cons of oxford dictionaries


I find the ABCs definitions a bit more precise, and it includes pinyin for sample sentences.

Oxford seems to have have more sample sentences overall, but no pinyin.

Easiest way to make the choice: Buy all of them :)

all of them it is then :p one day...


Looking at the Oxford examples, it seems like the sentences are very short? not at all turtle-style longer sentences? Basically what I want is a larger more expansive tuttle learners dict, which out of ABC or Oxford is the most like that?

Still being undecided about Oxford/ABC I went for Xiandai in the meantime. I figured that since I'm going to eventually 学会中文 I'm eventually going to need A C-C dict anyway and Xiandai is supposed to be the best for that :)

Am very impressed with Xiandai and definitely recommend it. Most of the sentences and explanations are too difficult for me, but it's a very nice addition now that all dictionary entries are shown in one page anyway - you can always have a try at the Chinese definition quickly :) This means I can first read the tuttle/CC entry, then also check the Xiandai. And in many cases I do understand it.

For instance I was looking up 密码 and Xiandai gives me: 对别人保密的号码. And for 艺名:演员演艺用的别的名。I think it's far more powerful to try and learn something explained in Chinese rather than a translation, so when that's possible it's huge step.

On 裸体 it showed verb:裸露着身体 and noun:裸露着的身体.