Preview of 1.0.2 for Palm Posted


Staff member
Strange about CEDICT... is anyone else seeing this? I assume this is the standard version from Pleco's website and not one created with MakeDict, correct? (there's no way to assign icons to MakeDict dictionaries yet)

The Copy to Input problem sounds like a bug... are you running with Input Field Compatibility turned on or off? If it's on, try turning it off and see if that helps matters.

The SD card removal crash is definitely a bug - we're going to be going over the database engine code with a fine-toothed comb for the next major update, and this should get flushed out then.

Thanks for the bug reports.


mikelove said:
Strange about CEDICT... is anyone else seeing this?

I ran into this and just re-installed the CEDICT file which solved the problem. Re-installed exactly the same file so not sure why it wouldn't pick it up earlier.


Re: CEDICT icon, I downloaded a fresh copy of CEDICT from the plecodict website and after installing can see the icon, no problem.

Re: Copy to Input field: After de-selecting the 'input field compatibility mode' the copy icon acts like it did before the 1.0.2 update. Unfortunately I need to select 'input field com. mode' because without it I can't use Penpower . . .

I have a new question, often I want to get the cursor to the extreme left of the entry field, but trying to do so always activates Penpower's pop-up character selection window. Do you know a way around this?



Staff member
We'll look into this and hopefully get it working with Input Field Compatibility on as well. (though there may turn out to be some technical reason why that's difficult/impossible, I'm not sure about that yet)

One thing you could try with the cursor is to enable the "flip" checkbox next to "Enable recent query list" in the Search section of Preferences - that will put the recent query list on the left side of the Input Field instead of the right, so the Input Field won't be quite as close to the edge of the screen and PenPower might behave better as a result.

And Guest, thanks, though most of the 1.0.1/1.0.2 fixes were really things that should have worked correctly in 1.0.


Cursor at extreme left of entry field

One thing you could try with the cursor is to enable the "flip" checkbox next to "Enable recent query list" in the Search section of Preferences -
It works! Yippee!
Requires a bit of delicate pen-work tho . . . especially with my digitizer not being what it was in the good old days. . .