Preserving Pleco Data INCLUDING Scorefile.


Hi all, so I recently had to wipe my phone, so before i did so I backed up my database. I erroneously assumed this meant backup the whole data, I.e scorefile, settings, etc, but I found out it only actually backed up the flashcards when I reinstalled.

So I'd like to know is it possible to back up all your data from your Pleco on your phone. Including your test settings and scorefile? And if so, how?



Staff member
Backup Database does back up everything, actually. Did you maybe have the wrong profile selected in New Test / Profile?


Oh really? No, I only use one profile for everything, definatly restored from my backup and the default scorefile seems to have been reset. Maybe just a bug?


Staff member
Any chance you don't have the paid version of flashcards activated on the other phone? This isn't really the sort of thing that could be bugged: the database backup code is very simple, make-a-copy-of-the-file-that-has-all-of-your-stuff-in-it - doesn't modify anything, just dumps the file to a storage folder - so it would be rather wacky for it to randomly delete your score data as it makes that backup.


I'm using the same account and have installed everything I had before. In that case I'm sure it's just a screw up on my end, though you never know with computers, they do find ingenious ways to muddle up. Thanks for the response, next time I'll double check everything.


Staff member
Could you email me a copy of the backup file? Can check to see if there's some sort of (hopefully fixable!) corruption that could have kept the score data from copying over.


Oh sorry Mike, this happened a while ago and I don't have it anymore. Was just posting on another matter and I thought I'd drop in and ask this while I'm at it. Next time I'll do a double backup and if it happens again I'll make sure to send it.


I try at least once a month to get a hard copy backed up on my computer. I get a little confused with all the iCloud and other forms of backing up. Not sure the industry has really got it fully figured out itself yet. I've given up on iCloud photo sharing. Hardly ever works.