Pleco Reader fast battery drain


Using Pleco Reader on iOS 7 on an iPhone 5s. I find when using the reader that my battery drains very quickly and the device gets very warm, even when I am not doing a lot of lookups but just reading text. It drains such that my battery goes from 90% to 10% within a couple of hours (give or take a half hour). This was not the case when I was using the reader on iOS 6 on an iPhone 4.

I tried searching through the forums to see if there was a similar post but I could not find anything related. I assume this may be due to high cpu usage and that's why the device gets so warm.

Any one else notice this issue?



Staff member
Just did a run with Apple's energy usage monitor on a 5S here and I'm not seeing any problems - only way I could get the power usage to spike was by running text-to-speech, otherwise when just flipping through pages it was 0/20 with minimal CPU usage.

Is this with a TXT file or an EPUB or a Word document or a PDF file? Have you spent lots of time in any other reader apps on your 5S? Had you done anything else very processor-intensive in Pleco during the same session, such as running live OCR?


I've noticed this issue too. I used iOS 6 Pleco on an iPad 3 with Night Mode on. Today I updated to iOS 7, I'll see if it runs out any faster than before...


Staff member
Update to the new 3.1 release, also - 3.0 had some battery drain issues if you switch out of OCR.